"Now, I will ask you a few questions to you, and you must answer all my questions. What is your name?"

"Phoenix... Wright." Phoenix replied as he massaged his neck. It hurts when he spoke.

"And how old are you?"

"26 years?"

The doctor frowned. "No, Senor Wright. You are 27 years old now. Now, answer me, what is your job?"

"Defense. Attorney .......?"

"Do you know why you are in the hospital, Senor Wright?"

"Fall..from..Dusky..Bridge?" It takes great effort for Phoenix to utter those words. Now he can see Maya, the doctor, the cravat man exchanged glances with confusion.

"No, Senor Wright. But, you tumble off from the stairs. Can you mention, what year it is now?"

Phoenix's head throbbing. Tumble down the stairs? My apartment didn't have any stairs... he thought more and more confused. "20 ... 18?"

Wrinkles on the doctor's forehead deepened. "Okay, last question. You know who they are?" asked the doctor, pointing his pen toward Maya and Edgeworth.

"Ma..ya ... my.... Assistant... and ...." Phoenix shook his head. "Don't know."

"It's Senor Edgeworth, Senor Wright. Miles Edgeworth. Your close friend since elementary school. And, uh, he's take good care of you during these last few months."

"Ha?" These last few months? What's that supposed to mean? Isn't Maya said he's hospitalized just one week? Phoenix looked alternately toward Maya, the cravat man, and the doctor. He shook his head, indicating that he did not understand what was happening.

"Let's talk outside, Senor Edgeworth," whispered Doctor Canizares. He and Edgeworth step out of Phoenix's room, leaving Phoenix alone with Maya. Maya sat beside his bed and watched Phoenix as if he could die suddenly at any time.

"What does that mean, Doctor Canizares? Why Wright remembered Maya but why he don't remember me?" asked Edgeworth when they were outside Phoenix's room.

"It's looks like because the collision when he fell from the stairs on your home, Senor Edgeworth. The collision made his memory back, but it looks like he only remembered some part of it. Senor Edgeworth, when was the last time you met with Senor Wright before the accident? Before he fell from Dusky Bridge?"

Edgeworth frowned. "If I'm not mistaken ......... It's when Matt Engarde case. Approximately one year before the Dusky Bridge incident ... That's about two years ago."

"Ah, that explains everything. It's seems Senor Wright just remember the events of the last year of his life, Senor Edgeworth. That's why he didn't recognize you."

Edgeworth swallowed. "Then? What should I do, Doctor? How can I take care of him and make him fully recovers if he didn't even recognize me?"

Doctor Canizares patted Edgeworth's back. "All you can do, is be patient, Senor Edgeworth. He had remembered Miss Fey, this is a good sign. He will remember you eventually in the end. Don't forget to continue to show photographs from his past to trigger his memory back."

Edgeworth nodded, forced a smile, and went back to Phoenix's room. When he steps into Phoenix's room, he saw Phoenix had sleep again.

"Hi, Mr. Edgeworth. I'm going to the cafeteria for a while, I'm very hungry. Do you mind to take care of Nick for a moment while I eat at the cafeteria?" said Maya as she rose from her chair.

"Of course not, Maya." said Edgeworth. He pulled out a chair and sat beside Phoenix's bed.

"You want me to buy food for you as well, Mr. Edgeworth? You rarely break and rarely eat. I don't want if you fall sick too," murmured Maya. Edgeworth shook his head slowly.

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