Who Am I?

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"Wright! Wright! Wake up!" Edgeworth patting Phoenix's cheek frantically. But Phoenix didn't move and didn't respond. Now, all the guests standing around Phoenix who were unconscious on the floor. Detective Gumshoe knelt down and checked Phoenix's wrist.

"My goodness, his body was so cold. His pulse was very weak. Mr. Edgeworth, he should be immediately taken to the hospital," said Detective Gumshoe.

"Quickly call Doctor Canizares, Maya! His name card is in my bag," Edgeworth commanded to Maya. Maya nodded, and ran to call Doctor Canizares.

"He should be put to bed first, Mr. Edgeworth! We must straighten his legs and arms!" said Will Powers.

"Right. Please help me carry Wright to his room," said Edgeworth to Larry, Detective Gumshoe, Will Powers, and Mr. DeLite. Simultaneously, they lifted Phoenix carefully and carried him into his room, while Maya called Doctor Canizares. Edgeworth then prop Phoenix's head with two pillows.

"What's wrong with Mr. Nick? I-is M-Mr Nick will going to die, Mr. Eh-ji-worth?" sobbed Pearl. Edgeworth didn't know what he should do besides trying to comfort the little girl.

"N-no, Pearl. Maya is calling a doctor now, the doctor will save Wright. Wright will not going to die."

Shortly afterwards, Maya came into Phoenix's room.

"Doctor Canizares is on his way here, Mr. Edgeworth. He said he will arrive in about half an hour."

Half an hour later, Doctor Canizares finally came. With a little hysterical Maya greet him, and dragged him into Phoenix's room.

"What happened?" asked Doctor Canizares to all of them.

"We're celebrating his birthday, and Mr. Edgeworth sang for him. After Mr. Edgeworth finished singing, he suddenly lost consciousness. His body was so cold," sobbed Maya. Doctor Canizares then examine Phoenix, while all of them watching anxiously.

"We must bring him to hospital immediately. I have to do a CT scan on his head. It seems this has connection with his accident." said Doctor Canizares after finished examined Phoenix.

"All right, Doctor. Larry, Detective Gumshoe, Mr. Powers, can you help me carry Wright to my car?" said Edgeworth while looking for his car key. But Doctor Canizares shook his head.

"No need, Mr. Edgeworth. I'll call an ambulance. If you bring Senor Wright to the hospital with your car, it will take quite a long time. We don't want to be late."

"Oh, okay... okay, Doctor."

Doctor Canizares called for an ambulance, and shortly afterward, the ambulance came. The EMT breaks into Phoenix's room, and simultaneously lifted Phoenix to a stretcher. Maya and Edgeworth pick up their bags before walking toward Edgeworth's car. Edgeworth turned to the guests and apologizes to all of them.

"I'm very sorry, guys. You've been taking your time and instead, the party ended up like this," Edgeworth murmured.

"It's okay, Mr. Edgeworth. The important thing is Mr. Wright's health. I hope he's okay. Please inform us of Mr. Wright's progress," said Adrian Andrews.

"Say hello to him if he wakes up, Mr. Edgeworth," said Iris.

"We will visit him later, Mr. Edgeworth." continue Mr. and Mrs. DeLite.

"Thank you very much, everyone. Thank you very much also for coming. Come on, Maya, Pearl." Edgeworth guided Maya and Pearl to his car, and set off to follow the ambulance to Canizares Hospital.

In Canizares Hospital....

Maya, Edgeworth, and Pearl waiting in the waiting room while Doctor Canizares checking Phoenix. They pray silently, hope everything will be fine. Hours by hours have passed, but Doctor Canizares still didn't appear. Pearl begins sobbing, while Maya looks agitated.

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