Healing Beginning

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"That's Mr. Edgeworth I know," said Maya as she patting Edgeworth's head gently. "We'll get through this, Mr. Edgeworth. We can. We will act as Nick's parents and we will make him fully recovered."

Edgeworth smiled wryly. "I appreciate your spirit, Maya. But....... Doctor Vincenzo said there's nothing he could do. If he who were a doctor can't do anything to cure Wright, how about us, who don't know anything about the medical world?"

Maya raised her eyebrows, then put her hands on her hips again. "He just said he could not do anything to heal Nick, right? It doesn't mean Nick could not recover at all! Maybe what he meant is, he can't do anything to cure Nick because he didn't know how! We will look for another doctor for Nick, Mr. Edgeworth! Believe me, that miracle is real!"

"Yeah ........maybe you're right, Maya. I should not immediately give up. Maya.....would you live here together with me to help care for Wright? Only if you want and don't mind, of course," Edgeworth murmured.

Maya chuckled. "Of course I don't mind, Mr. Edgeworth! Of course I would be very happy to help take care of Nick until he is cured!"

"Th-thank you very much, Maya. You don't know how much this means to me."

"MAMA! PAPA! Feenie's stomach hurt!!" Phoenix interrupted suddenly. Frantically, Edgeworth and Maya ran back into Phoenix's room. Phoenix was lying in bed, groaning, clutching his stomach.

Maya sat on Phoenix's bed, raised Phoenix head on her lap, uncover Phoenix's pajama, then gently stroking Phoenix belly. "Nick? What's wrong? You're sick? Do you want to throw up?"

"Mama called who? My name is Feenie, not Nick!" moaned Phoenix, still clutching his stomach.

"O-okay, I-I was mistaken. How do you feel? You want to throw up? Your stomach sore?" asked Maya again with sputtered.

"My stomach aches! My stomach felt sore, Mama! Yeah, Mama, Feenie want to throw up!" Phoenix cried loudly.

"Come on, Feenie, come with me to the bathroom, okay? So you throw up there, and you won't contaminate your bed. Okay, F-feenie?"

Phoenix nodded. Maya then led him to the bathroom. "Come on, Feenie, if you want to throw up. I'll be waiting in the outside bathroom," said Maya as they were in the bathroom doorway. However, Phoenix shook his head vigorously, cried, and screamed again.

"Feenie don't want to be left alone in the bathroom! Feenie want Mama accompany Feenie! Mama must accompany Feenie! Feenie afraid! Feenie afraid!"

"Alright, alright, Feenie. I will accompany you. Come on, we go now?" Maya asked resignedly. Maya and Phoenix get into the bathroom, then Maya helped Phoenix bent over the sink. Phoenix vomiting many times, and Maya felt can't bear to see it.

"Have you done, Feenie? Do you feel better now?" asked Maya softly with motherly tone. Phoenix nodded slowly.

"Yes, Mama."

"Now, we have to clean yourself first, then you have to go back to sleep, okay Feenie?"

"Alright, Mama."

Smiling a little, Maya cleaning Phoenix's vomit stains in the sink and wash Phoenix mouth without feeling disgusted at all. Once completed, Maya leads Phoenix out of the bathroom.

"Hi, Wright. Did your stomach still hurt?" Asked Edgeworth.

"Not anymore, Papa. Feenie's stomach fine now." Phoenix replied innocently.

"Well, you have to keep your promise, good boy. You should sleep now. Okay, Feenie? Tomorrow M-mama and P-papa will take you to walk around the city. How, Feenie?" said Maya. Phoenix nodded slowly as he lay down on his bed.

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