The Surgery

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Phoenix looked around. Groaning softly, he massaged his head. Why he was alone? Where are Papa and Mama? Why Papa and Mama wasn't around beside his bed? He tried to sit up again, get rid of the blanket, trying to set foot on the floor, and feeling extremely dizzy. His vision became blurred. But he had to get off. He had to get off this bed. He must find Papa and Mama and ask them what was his dream meaning.

"Wright, what are you doing?" cried Edgeworth while approached Phoenix's bed and pushed him gently to lie back. "Why are you trying to get out of bed? Do you want to go to the bathroom?"

"Feenie wants to look for Papa and Mama. Papa and Mama left Feenie alone here. Feenie afraid Papa and Mama won't come back," said Phoenix.

"Papa and Mama ate only briefly, Feenie. How could Mama and Papa leave you alone?" Maya said softly.

Phoenix sank back into his pillows, then he watched Edgeworth from head to toe. His heart was filled again with tremendous confusion. Why the boy in his dream named Edgeworth? Why Papa's face looks very similar to the boy, and with the boy in the photo? Papa says, the photo is a photo of him with his friends at school. If indeed the photograph is a photograph of him with his school friends, why one of his friends had the same name with Papa? Papa never said he had another child, isn't it?

"What is it, Wright? Do you want something? You want to eat? You sweat a lot......" said Edgeworth.

"Papa, Mama, Feenie had a strange dream."

Edgeworth and Maya's eyebrows furrowed. "What dream, Feenie?"

"Feenie dream Feenie was standing in a classroom. And then, there are children standing around Feenie. They accused Feenie is a thief. They say Feenie steal Feenie's friend money. They also say Feenie is a naughty boy and a liar."

Maya nudged Edgeworth's elbow. "The class trial!" Maya whispered happily to Edgeworth. "Mr. Edgeworth, I think his memory is coming back!"

Edgeworth nodded, and asked to Phoenix, "So, what happens next in your dream, Wright?"

"Feenie cries. Feenie stood in the corner, shaking. Then there are women who wear large glasses told Feenie if Feenie must apologize to the class. After she told Feenie to apologize, a boy suddenly stood up on the table, and said, 'Objection!' He says all of them should be ashamed because accused Feenie stealing money without proof. But, other children still accuse Feenie. They yelled to Feenie. They said they want Feenie to out of the classroom and out of school."

Phoenix breathed for a moment, then continued. "The boy who defended Feenie in the dream .... His name is Miles Edgeworth. Feenie confused, Papa."

"And what makes you confused, Wright?"

"Why are the boy in Feenie's dream have the same name as Papa? His face is also very similar to Papa, also very similar to the boy in the photo that Papa shown to Feenie. Papa, is Papa had another child who become friends with Feenie in school?"

Maya and Edgeworth exchanged glances with confusion.

"No, Wright, Papa did not have other children. Okay, it's time to explain everything to you."

Phoenix frowned. His head felt much more pain than before.

"I'm not your father, Wright. I'm not your Papa. And Maya is not your Mama. Your Papa and Mama as we say when in the apartment, named Leo and Rowenda Wright. And both of them had died in a plane crash. And, Wright, you and I are good friends since elementary school. Your dream, was a real incident. When you were in grade four, you're accused of stealing my lunch money because only you who absent in PE class. I defended you, because there was no strong evidence that you who stealing my money. Because of the incident, you were inspired to become a lawyer."

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