Edgeworth vs Maya

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Matt Engarde. The man who had made her live in hell three years ago. The man who had lied to Phoenix and almost made Phoenix throws an innocent woman to the prison. The man who had destroyed the lives of many people standing in front of Maya, much thinner than when Juan Corrida's murder case trial, much paler, and his hair looks dirty and messy. There is no sign that he was a famous actor. On the left and his right, two policemen stand.

Maya watched Engarde with disgusted look. She refrained from spitting on the man who had tortured her and Nick. She bit her lip, her fist raised.

"What are you doing here, Mr. Engarde?! You haven't satisfied to torture me and Nick?" cried Maya.

"Miss Fey! I came here in peace, please hear my explanation! Please! Look, I'm with the police, and both of my hands are cuffed! I swear I won't hurt anyone!" shout Engarde, his voice sounded hoarse and strange, then he showed his cuffed hands. Maya snorted.

"Then quickly explain what the purpose of your arrival here, Mr. Engarde! I won't to see your disgusting face for so long!" cried Maya again.

Engarde sighed. "I came here to meet with Mr. Lawyer Dude Wright."

Maya stunned. Why does this guy want to meet with Nick? Did he want to harm Nick again? He's not satisfied yet with what he had done to Nick three years ago?

"Nick is sick. It's useless if you want to see him, Mr. Engarde. He won't remember you, Mr. Engarde." Maya replied curtly. "Now, I ask you to leave this house now!"

"Yes, I know! I know that Mr. Lawyer Dude is seriously ill. I heard about the accident. The guards talked about it in prison. Therefore, I come here, Miss Fey! I want to apologize for what happened three years ago! Please! I really sincerely want to apologize to Mr. Lawyer Dude! I've been sentenced to death! My execution will be held next week, and I won't die peacefully before I apologize to Mr. Lawyer Dude! Look, I brought flowers for Mr. Lawyer Dude! I just wanted to apologize and to wish him a speedy recovery! Please let me see him, Miss Fey!" said Engarde stammered, and he .... cry.

But Maya could not believe it. She turned her head to the two policemen standing beside Engarde.

"Is it true of what he's been saying? He comes here to apologize and visit Nick?"

Both the policeman nodded their heads simultaneously. "Yes, Miss Fey. Mr. Engarde asked for special permission to prison's head in order to be allowed to see Mr. Wright here. Mr. Engarde really sincerely wants to apologize to Mr. Wright."

Maya raised an eyebrow. "Can I see your ID? Just for make sure. I hope you both understand, it's hard to believe with this man after what he did to me and Nick 3 years ago."

The policemen nodded back, and give their ID to Maya. Maya looks at the ID carefully, and after making sure that the policemen ID's was genuine and not a fake ID, Maya nodded and invited them to enter the house.

"Come on, Nick was in the upper room with Mr. Edgeworth. But, remember, Mr. Engarde, if you dare to do anything inappropriate in this house...."

Maya opened Phoenix's bedroom door. Phoenix still engrossed playing puzzle with Edgeworth. Hearing the bedroom door open, Edgeworth turned his head.

"Maya, who is ......." Edgeworth's words immediately interrupted when he saw Engarde standing in front of Phoenix's room. He suddenly stood up quickly, make the puzzle that he's playing with Phoenix slumped to the floor. While Phoenix looked at him with confused.

"You!" said Edgeworth. "Maya! What is the meaning of this?! What did this bastard want to come here?!!!"

"Mr. Edgeworth, he came in peace. Mr. Engarde wants to apologize and want to say speedy recovery to Nick...." Maya said softly. Edgeworth snorted and folded his arms. He then looked at Engarde coldly.

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