Chapter 14 : Trapped

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Chapter 14


Jeff POV

I was in the back of Sebastian's uncle's car. I was in between Sebastian and Nicky.

Nicky was told to be strong, and he could cry later. Sebastian's uncle was focused on finding my dad and Alex. And I was so grateful for that.

Nick wasn't crying anymore. The police came a little while after we called 911, and they said they'd take care of everything relating to his dad. He has no legal guardian anymore, which I know he must be thinking about. But he wasn't crying. He was sitting next to me, looking absolutely miserable though.

It was dead silent in the car. Nobody wanted to talk. It would cause crying.

I thought about a lot of things as we drove. If Nicky has no guardian, what will happen? Will Sebastian's uncle or Alex's uncle take him in? I hope so...

I thought about Alex's uncle too. He was still recovering. I hope he's doing good.

And of course I thought about Alex. I don't want her to die. That's the worst possibility ever. She's everything to me.

She's basically the one who kept me alive this past year. I've wanted to kill myself so many times, but she stopped me. She helped me with my problems, and she taught me so many things about myself. Like I'm good enough.

She basically undid everything my dad had taught me. And I would never trust anything he said about me again.

"Do you even know where you're going?" Sebastian asked, breaking the silence.

His uncle sighed.

"Sort of... Whatever Jeff's dad is driving... It's leaking something. I don't know if it's oil or something else, but it's leaving a trail. The only problem is it's getting darker out, and harder to follow. I'm hoping he'll find a place to stop for the night so we can try again."

"What's the plan this time?" Sebastian asked.

"Same thing. Nick, stay at the car, ready to help. Sebastian, find Alex. And Jeff, stay in the car. I don't want you anywhere near your dad."


"No, Jeff. It's too risky. Sebastian will handle it."

I sighed, and crossed my arms, pouting. I felt so frustrated. I didn't care if it was risky. I just wanted my girlfriend back!

We kept driving. I was starting to feel extremely sleepy. I curled up, and laid my head on Nicky's shoulder. And I took a nap.


Jeff POV

"Turn around! I saw a light!"

I sat straight up, confused. I was just sleeping, and my vision is still a little blurry.

"Where, Sebastian?"

"Go back."

I rubbed my eyes. Sebastian's uncle was going down a dirt road. It was completely dark outside, except for the light we were heading towards.

"That's his car. Jeff, Nick, stay here. Sebastian, come with me."

He parked, and then he and Sebastian both jumped out. A few seconds later, I realized what the light was. The whole house was beginning to catch on fire.

"No!" I screamed.

I jumped out of the car, and Nick came running after me.

I saw my dad run out of the house alone, and Sebastian's uncle and Sebastian went chasing after him.

"Jeff, get back in the car!" Sebastian's uncle shouted.


"You'll never find her! She'll be dead before you can even get to her!" My dad shouted.

I took off towards the house. The fire was getting bigger.

"Jeff, no!" Nick shouted.

I ran inside, looking around frantically. Where's Alex!?

I felt the heat around my skin. Everything was so bright, and I was still a tiny bit asleep.

"ALEX!" I shouted.

I got no response, which made more adrenaline run through my body. My heart started racing, and I started looking everywhere I could.

The front door flew open, and I saw Sebastian.

"Jeff, get out of there! Right now!"

"No! I have to find her!" I screamed.

"Jeff, it's too dangerous!"

"I can't leave her!"

I heard Sebastian's uncle calling for him to call 911. Sebastian took another look at me before bolting back to the car to get his phone.

I ran up the stairs of the house, not knowing where anything was or where to look. I couldn't find anything.

I ran back downstairs, starting to feel hopeless and defeated. I'm running out of time. There are flames everywhere. And I'm sweating like crazy.

I started throwing random doors open. I found the basement, and ran down. I started opening doors down there too, and I finally found Alex. She was lying barely conscious on the floor in a closet.

She didn't look too good.

I carefully scooped her up in my arms, and was about to go up the stairs when there was a huge crash, and I saw fire falling down from the ceiling along with parts of what used to be the ceiling.

The house was caving in. And I'm still inside.

I kept going up the stairs, trying to be as careful as possible. Alex was holding onto me weakly. She looked so tired. So tired that she couldn't cry anymore.

I got up to the first floor, but the front door was blocked by a wall of flames. I saw flashing lights outside though, so they got my dad, right!? Hopefully?

"Jeff, we're not going to make it. We're trapped," Alex said.

"D-don't say t-that," I stuttered, my voice shaking.

"Jeffy, I love you."

She kissed me, which made me cry. I don't know what to do. We're going to die in here.

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