Chapter 3 : Panic and meeting Blaine

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Chapter 3

A week later...

Jeff POV

"Jeff, stop. Calm down."


"Jeff, it was just a dream."

"B-but what if it c-comes t-true!?"

I'd fallen asleep while studying, and I woke up after a horrible nightmare. My dad was beating me, and I couldn't get away!

"Jeff, I won't let it happen. Ok?"

I nodded, and tried to calm down. I'm like how I was when I came to Dalton. Except I guess I'm a little bit better with handling myself. I haven't given in to my temptation to cut, even though I really wanted to now. And Alex made me talk out my feelings with her.

I was just scared all the time. I was having such a hard time concentrating in class again because I felt like my dad would come in any minute, and take me away to hurt me! I was terrified!


"I'm just so scared," I whispered.

"I know, Jeff. But look how much stronger you are now, physically and mentally."

"I'm going to fail finals."

"No, you're not, Jeff. We've got a week and a half. You've been doing good when I quiz you on random stuff. You've got this, ok?"


"How about we go do something fun, ok? We'll take a break from studying, considering you just fell asleep."

"Ok. What are we going to do?"

"How about we go down to the pool? My uncle gave me the key, remember? We can go down whenever we want to."

"Can Nicky and Sebastian please come?"

We looked at them both, and they nodded.

We all changed into our swimsuits, and then headed down to the pool. 

I took a running start, and jumped into the pool. I really like swimming now. 

I got to the surface, and everyone else jumped in too.

Alex made me go swim laps. I didn't mind though. I kind of like doing it. And it gives me more muscle.


Jeff POV

I don't know how long we spent in the pool, but it was a while, and I had to pee. I hopped out of the pool, shivering a little.


"What, Jeffy?"

"I'm really cold and tired, and I need to go to the bathroom. Can we go back up to our dorm?"


"Ok, I'm going up now."

"We'll meet you up there, Jeffy."

I quickly wrapped a towel around myself, and started making my way back to our dorm. I felt myself starting to have a flashback of my dad. It was late at night, and I was trying to sneak downstairs to get some food. I hadn't eaten in 3 days, and I was starving. I'd managed to grab something, but then my dad caught me, and started chasing me.

I started running down the halls. My heart was beating so fast, and my chest hurt really bad. I ran into the dorm room, slammed the door, and crawled underneath the bed, wrapping my towel around me tighter, as if it would protect me.

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