Chapter 11 : Threatened

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Chapter 11

Alex POV

I'm shaking in my seat right now. Jeff is... I don't even know right now. I feel like he might be having a panic attack, or maybe he's just completely falling apart. I'm not sure.

We arrive at wherever his dad is taking us. He parks the car, and then yanks us out. He brings us into this house, and yells at us to get upstairs.

Jeff runs ahead of me, and I follow him. He runs into a room. His dad slams the door shut behind us, and I can hear him lock us in from the other side.

I managed to get my hands untied. I took the tape off Jeff's mouth, and untied his hands too. As soon as his hands are free, he throws them around me. We're both shaking as we stand there, crying together in each others' arms.

I begin to look around the room. There's a bed without sheets. The walls have a few dents and holes. The carpet has a bunch of disgusting stains, most of which look like blood.

"Jeffy, do you know where we are?" I ask, trying to calm myself down.

"M-my r-room!"

"This is your house?"

He nodded.

"Aw, Jeffy-"

Before I can say anything else, he jumps onto his mattress, and curls up into a tiny ball. I climb onto it next to him.

"Jeffy, we'll be ok. We'll figure this out. I promise."

The door suddenly flew open, and we both jumped. I wrapped my arms around Jeff.

"We are leaving first thing tomorrow. If you two try to escape, you'll be dead as quick as you can say bang. I expect you to cooperate. And if you don't, you'll pay severe consequences," he growled.

He slammed the door shut, and locked it again.

"Jeffy, hey. We're done for the night. We're safe until tomorrow. Please calm down."

His whole body was shaking, but I think it was from his sobs. His cries started turning into him hyperventilating. I grabbed both his hands in mine tightly.

"Jeffy, slow down. Deep breaths. We can do this."

His whole body became so tense, and he wasn't calming down. He started clawing at the mattress, making his knuckles turn white.

"Jeff, look at me. I need you to focus."

The door flew open again, scaring Jeff even more.

"If you don't shut up, you won't live to see the sun tomorrow."

He slammed it shut again.

"Jeffy, please. Come on," I said, quietly.

He shook his head no. His face was bright red now. I didn't know what to do anymore. It's like he just mentally can't handle this.

I pulled him up to a sitting position, and kissed him. I had to. If his dad killed us, I wanted at least one more kiss.

To my surprise, Jeff suddenly went silent. He grabbed onto me, pushing our lips together harder.

We finally broke apart, and he fell into my lap. He was breathing sort of quickly still, but now it didn't seem like he was hyperventilating. It seemed like he was out of breath.

I rubbed his back slowly, and he calmed down all the way.

"Jeffy?" I whispered.


"We're going to be ok."

He sat up beside me.

"I disagree."

"We have to try, Jeff. We're not far from a lot of places, including Blaine's, Nick's, Sebastian's-"

"We can't escape. I refuse to try. He has a gun, and he won't hesitate to use it."

"Jeff, how will we ever get out of here then?"

"We won't unless we want to die!"


"We just need to obey, ok? I've lived with him my whole life. I know how things work. You disobey, and you regret it big time. If you obey, things won't be so bad."

"So you want me to sit here, and do nothing?"

"Yes. I need you to trust me."

"Just like I trusted you about leaving Blaine's?"

"Alex, you always tell me that everyone makes mistakes. I made a mistake tonight. But we can fix this. We just have to obey. We can gain some trust. He's stupid, and he'll trust us a little if we show him that we're obeying. We just need to wait until we have a little bit of freedom, and then try to escape."

"How are you so calm and rational all of a sudden?"

"When you kiss me, you make my mind go blank... I had a chance to reset everything in my head, and calm down. I've done this before, and I know what to expect. And I have you. So it shouldn't be as bad as last time... I hope..."

He wrapped his arms around me, and pulled me down onto the mattress beside him.

"We should sleep. We'll need energy tomorrow," he whispered, pulling me even closer to him.

"Jeffy, I don't know how you can be so strong right now."

"Me either... But I'm going to run with this bravery and confidence while I still have it."

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