Chapter Thirty-Two:

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The finale, have you seen it?! God, I'm so emotional today.. The Face the Music episode, lol, its awkward, the part of where he sings about Star's love life, Marco's face though!!

At the Starcrushed (You mean Heartcrushed..) Awww.. Damn these tears!

For all StaRco shippers out there. I dedicate this chapter for you!!

Everything was dark..

As I heard someone's calling me..

How did I get here?

Let me explain.. Glossaryck proceed to my parents and told about Eclipsa..

Of course their reactions are horrified..

I twiddled my thumbs with each other as I look down.

"This is.. Unexpected.." My mom stated, obviously stuttering..

"I supposed so.. W-we need to h-help Star!" My dad called me with that name that makes me remember Marco..

"And cancel what we are focusing on.. We don't care about her future husband or king, we need to help her now.."

"We'll try everything Star.. Just.. Do the things Glossaryck told you to do.." My mom tried to comfort me with a smile, and hold my shoulder.

I looked at her as my tears rolled down to my cheeks.

They engulfed me into a hug..

And back to my room with Glossaryck, he told me to stop something..

So we tried stopping me to holding the wand, but later then, he found out that no matter what touch or etc.

I'm still connected to the wand..

So we tried stopping my breath, it was dumb since I gave up trying. I can't live without breathing, I know you don't too..

"I don't have any ideas now, Princess Star-"

"I'm not Star! I hate that name! I told you it gives me bad memories!" I protested, glaring at the same time.

Then he got an idea.

He told me to get my old diary then write my feelings..

Then again, I remembered the last time he make me do it.

It was effective but I think not this time..

I mean.. He died..

How can I open the diary without accidentally see the words in the pages.

If I did saw it, well, memories will snuck out of my eyes and roll down to my cheeks.

I tried my best remembering how to made one, even I know how, I don't know what will I put..

I let out a sigh and told him I can't do it.

But he said that I need to be strong and just write that damn emotions of mine!

So I did..

Dear plain notebook that was named as Diary,

So.. Its been a long time.
I don't know what to put in this piece of paper.
Glossaryck is too bossy.
So I think I need to write down this stuff called feelings..
I hate to break it but I think its nothing for me..
Just pain..

I stopped.. This is all wrong.. Her words.. What she said.. Keeps playing in my head..

What is this?!
Why am I feeling so unsafe?!
Even I feel nothing..
Eclipsa.. Is back..
And its all..





My wand..

Then.. Darkness..

Is overcoming me.. My cheeks.. The hearts.. Are breaking.. I don't even know what to do..

Problems keeps coming one by one.. I can't handle it.. On my own..

Please.. Call me.. Star... Again..

♦StarCo♦ Just A NightmareHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin