Chapter Two:

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Star's P.O.V

The bell rings for lunch break, and the students started to crowd the entrance.
Squishing themselves to get out maybe because they're hungry.

Just as I was about to be one of those students who will manage to get through, I saw on the front door that Marco gesturing the way out as he says:

"Ladies first." And Jackie went out with a smile of appreciation.

All students were complaining that they should get out of the way....

Except for me...

Who just watch that moment of sweetness...

I sighed deeply...

And finally get out of the room.

"Sup Star." Janna greeted me as she pat my left shoulder.
"Are you ready for the.... TACOS THURSDAY!!" she exclaimed happily as she waved her hands

Then a pause occurred..

"Uh... Star... Are you ok?" asked Janna, worriedly.

I looked at her and show a fake smile.

"Oh.. I'm fine! Its just.." I stopped and looked on the ground.

"Its just... What?" she questioned again, waiting for my response.

"Uh... Thinking? Y-yeah thinking." I lied. And she just scoffed.

"Your lying skills suck. Plus, you've been acting like that EVERYDAY." she protested as I let out a nervous and awkward laugh.

"Yeah.. I'm no good at lying.."

"So.. What's wrong?" she asked.

I looked at her and realize we were near the canteen.

"OH! TACO TUESDAY here we come!" I exclaimed with a fake smile.

"Star... Its Taco Thursday.."


"Come on Star, tell me."

We stopped walking and grab our food trays.

Should I tell her?



Cuz you even don't know why are you acting like that!

Oh... Right..

"I even don't know why I'm like this now!" I grunted, annoyed.


"There's no problem if there's no reason why it starts." she explained.
"Then... Ask Glossaryck." she added.

We proceed to a vacant table and start eating.

"I can but.. He reports everything to Mom." I frowned.

"Even.. The kidnapped thing?"

"No. If he did, Mom will add that topic to our short conversations."

"Hmm..." she hummed while munching her chicken.

"And I don't know what to ask!!"

Good reason though...

"Just ask someone close to you what could be the reason of your problem.. Not me. Its like a question for beauty pageants."

I just chuckled..

"Well.. I'll try.."

♦StarCo♦ Just A NightmareWhere stories live. Discover now