Chapter Six:

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"Star... Are you... Jealous?"

What the Queen said keeps playing in my mind.. Star? Jealous? Impossible.

She told me she DON'T HAVE ANY CRUSH ON OSKAR anymore..

"Me? Jealous? Impossible!" Star denied, lying again.

Wait. That's what I said..

"Star. The wand isn't like that if you are jealous."

"Mom.. I'm not jealous. Maybe I'm just stressed or something. Besides I'm focused to fix my wand.." explained Star.

"But first.. Fix yourself my dear." Queen Butterfly stated, coldly.

"Anyways. I've got to go. I have a meeting with everyone else. Goodbye my dear.." she added.


Then the conversation end.

Should I come in or.. No? Maybe she will thought I've heard it all...
Well.. No.

I started to walk away.

"Uh.. Glossaryck.. What are you doing?" I heard Star's question and I stopped to listen.

"Getting ready for the Friendship Thursday of course."

I almost forgot!

Or I really forgot..

"Who CARES by the way. Marco always forgot about it and go to a date with Jackie! Why do you call a Friendship Thursday without another friend!"

Did she.. said that?

"Well then.. Let's call Janna, your friend.." suggested Glossaryck.

"Its fine.. I guess.."

Did she mean it?
God.. Stupid me..

(♦TIME SKIP: Tomorrow, 4:32 p.m.♦)

Jackie and I are currently in the park. Having a mini date:

Ice cream

Yep... A regular hangout date... With my FUTURE WIFE...

Future wife? Disgusting..

Wait.. Did my mind said that? Forget it. Mind doesn't care about love anyways..

"Hey Marco.." said Jackie, making me snapped out into the reality.

"Uh.. Yeah?"

"I have something to tell you.." she said, with a hint of shyness in her voice..

"What?" I asked, calmly...

Then we feel our faces get closer..
And closer..
And closer..

Then a red light shined, I look up and saw the Blood Moon, appeared as the sun is nowhere to be found.

"Uh.. Marco?" Jackie asked, confused.
"What are you looking at?"

I look at her as the red light keep shining.

"The Blood Moon." I answered.

I heard a chuckle and she said:

"Marco.. Again.. There's no Blood colored moon.." she looked up as I looked up too.

But its still there.

"See?! Blood. Moon." I pointed as her face changed.

"Can't you see that freaking moon that make my life miserable!" I grunted.

Then she stand up.

"Look. That's what I'm trying to tell you! You become crazy and NOT COOL!" she stated angrily, gesturing the moon.

"You know what? I have FOUND MORE BETTER THAN YOU... You keep ruining our date because of that moon even its not there! Are you gone insane?!" she added.


"Wait Jackie-" I was cut off.

"Marco.. We can be friends.. But not MORE THAN friends.. My parents noticed your crazy-like behaviour, so they told me to, just be your friend."

"Jackie. I'm not crazy. There is a blood moon." I justify my sentence.

"Marco.. You're just seeing ILLUSIONS..." she said. Then she left me here.


All by myself...

Then I looked at the moon but it come back to normal..


Then.. I started to cry..
First heartbreak.. Ever.. By my long time crush, Jackie...

Jackie Lynn Thomas..

♦StarCo♦ Just A NightmareOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora