Mrs. Greene wishes me farewell asking me to give Liz her condolences, she walks off with her dog-walking close behind.

I turn when I feel someone staring at me, her pale blond hair sticks out from the dark scene around us, her light red eyes narrow and she struts over to me shaking her hips and flipping her hair out of her eyes.

She stops meer inches from me and unfolds her arms sticking them into the back pockets of her ripped jeans.

"I'm sorry, I don't think we've met I'm Morgan... your new neighbor" she shoots me a sickening smile also sticking out her perfectly manicured hand.

I chuckle lightly and shake her hand, " Rose Daniels" I say smiling sweetly.

She pulls her hand away harshly wiping it against the front of her jeans shooting me a glare, "whatever just stay away from us.... I don't think your friend over there got the memo" she looks over her shoulder towards the ambulance where they are now lifting. Liz into it.

My eyes dart to her suspiciously, I am about to say something but am suddenly interrupted.

"Don't go giving away all our secrets now my love..." an enchanting voice says from behind Morgan. And the man that closely resembles Dorian pulls Morgan into his chest trapping her in his arms.

She scoffs pushing his arms away, "you're impossible... don't come near me pathetic cheater." Morgan spits slapping the strange man hard across the face her nails digging into his skin cutting across his cheek.

Morgan rolls her eyes then struts away down the street, I turn shocked towards the man who is probably in so much pain--

No blood, no cut, nothing.

I stare at his face in awe, not understanding, "yo-you just had a cut?"

He chuckles bringing his hand up to brush the part in his cheek where the cut should have been.

"Well, well darling you are different.." he steps closer his dark blue eyes raking down and up my body. "I'm Mordecai, you are way hotter than how my dear brother Dorian described you," he says licking his lips and walking closer as if he was under a spell and all he wanted was me.

I try to step around him towards the ambulance but I turn to find it gone along with everyone else.

My bite starts stinging dramatically when Mordecai harshly grips my wrist, he pulls it up towards his mouth and fangs appear, I scream out in horror.

Vampires... they are real, everything is true the stories, myths, legends, all of them and now I know I am going to die. I try but fail to yank my wrist away when all of a sudden grizzly crack sounds and my wrist falls slack, I open one eye to find Mordecai laying on the ground his neck twisted into a horrific shape.

I stumble back not believing my eyes, his neck was absolutely broken.

"Sorry about him, he is always like that," the deep familiar voice says, I look up to Dorian's dark purple eyes.

I nod in thanks, he pulls me up and guides me away from his brother's body.

"Wait you are going to just leave him there?" I mutter checking over my shoulder at the unconscious vampire making sure he isn't following.

Dorian shrugs and keeps walking, I take that as a yas and follow close to him we walk for a few minutes in silence until he speaks up.

"So you know what we are?" He asks.

I nod not meeting his eyes, it all makes no sense vampires exist, and werewolves what else then.

"I'm sorry about this" he mumbles and grabs my wrist, he jabs my arm with a needle as I feel the warm liquid slipping into my bloodstream.

My blurry eyes flutter up to his pain-filled ones as I fall to the ground unconscious the darkness of oblivion filling my thoughts and enveloping me in a blanket of black.


If you like vampire books check out this fresh new unique spin on the vampire world!!! It's so good♥️♥️ go check out dancing with the dead on xX_heythere_Xx

Ughhh,,,,,, so sorry about this badddd chapter. I've been loosing inspiration and couldn't exactly figure out how to relay my thoughts into the chapter. But anyways we have now met Mordecai and Morgan...

Also vampires? Thoughts?

Um also I know we all love Jasper and he will be back in the next chapter mad as hell😉

We'll get to know Mordecai and Morgan and also about what happened to Liz because what the actual hell who wanted to hurt Liz!!

Anyways byeeee♥️♥️

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