The driver walked out of the car in tears, his knees hitting the ground as his son ran towards him, both of them being way too scared and relieved at the same time to think about what had happened and how the kid had gotten out of the car safe.

"You okay?" Simon asked her, not moving his eyes away from her while she was breathing frantically with a hand on her heart, as if she could force him to calm down.

She nodded and waved Simon off with a hand on his shoulder, asking him to help her standing up. Simon held her with both his hands as June looked in front of her, almost immediately locking eyes with Peter, who was observing her with a firm stare, as if he had understood what she had done without even needing to ask. He made a move to walk towards her, concern clear in his eyes, but stopped when he noticed Simon was still by her side.

June sent him a quick glare before walking away from the school, Simon following her with both his and June's backpacks in his hands.



June tried her best to concentrate on Simon, but her phone kept buzzing and it seemed it didn't want to stop. When Peter called her for the twentieth time, she closed the call and turned the phone off, making a drastic decision since Peter was being a little bitch.

"Sorry, what did you say?" she asked, rubbing her eyes before giving Simon her whole attention.

The boy chuckled, shaking his head. "Are you feeling any better now?"

June laughed as well. "Yeah, yeah, I am," she said before taking a sip from her milkshake. Considering June was never going to come home to her mother giving her the biggest scolding of her life, she had decided to walk around the city until it was time to go home, and Simon had decided to go with her since, considering what he had found out about her, he said 'he was never going to leave her until she told him everything'.

"Good. I have to admit that's pretty impressive that you manage to keep your powers for so long. I mean, you do stuff while time is stopped. I can't even walk properly."

"Well, the first time it happened to me I almost fainted, so..." They both started laughing and June almost felt like crying. It was the first time she met someone like her, and as much as it sounded very weird she was too happy to think about it.

"When did they appear?" he asked, placing his chin on his hand and giving her his full attention.

June felt slightly embarrassed by his interest, but replied nonetheless, even if she had already given him an answer before. "I was thirteen. Best moment of my life, if I have to be honest."

Simon nodded, probably knowing what she was talking about. "Fifteen, for me. Probably will never experience something so...fulfilling. I mean, we can stop freaking time. It definitely doesn't happen every day."

"No it doesn't," June chuckled. "I still wonder why we can move when the other one stops time, though. Are we, like, connected or something?"

Simon shrugged, looking down at his waffles. June would have never expected for him to be so open, since it was the first time he seemed so interested and excited about something. He would normally look quiet and serene, as if what happened around him wasn't enough to bother him. And it probably was like it, since June knew how having those powers made things around her look incredibly small and meaningless, but she had never felt superior because of it.

"Yeah, I think that when one of us activates our powers, the other one inevitably responds to it, but can't do anything to make it restart."

That realization made June slightly uncomfortable. The thought of being stuck in a timeless world she had no control over was even scarier than being unconscious in her own timeless world, but she decided not to tell him this, even if it seemed like he was thinking the same thing.

"But... how did we not notice it before? I mean, it wasn't the first time you used your powers, and I have used them as well. Why didn't we ever notice time was stopped around us?"

June sighed, looking at her hands. "I think I know why. When I stopped time, this morning, the closer I got to you, the stronger I felt. I think it depends on the distance. If we're not close enough to each other, our powers won't respond to each other."

June didn't know why, but she felt like she had to leave. She had to walk away from Simon and never come back, but it was meaningless and she knew it. Still, all the realizations she was having about their powers were putting her in a state of pure distress and, as much as Simon didn't seem like a bad person at all, she feared what he could do.

She had always been the one to stop time and do things behind people's backs without them ever acknowledging it. Thinking that Simon could have done the same with her when she wasn't close enough to him was making her hands shake in frustration.

"I-um, I have to go home." Not true. But she still stood up and grabbed her bag, watching as Simon did the same.

"Yeah, me too," he mumbled, the same expression of distress she probably had appearing on his face. She felt bad for him, he was probably confused as much as she was and was feeling exactly the same things she was but, exactly because of that, they needed to be on their own to process what they had found out that day and, maybe, see each other with another perspective of their powers and more trust with what each one of them was never going to do to the other.

I'm so sorry, even if being this late is not actually my fault lol I've been trying to update for literal days but wattpad was being a little b*tch and I couldn't publish the chapter whatsoever, so I'M REALLY SORRY, but now here I am with another chapter where June looks like a psychopath lmao.
I kind of took the last part from a personal experience, since it usually happens to me when someone says something that bothers me to the point where I panic so much that  I have to go away before I start crying, and I gave June this trait of being tremendously anxious and alwyas doubting herself and others, which is only emphasized by her powers that are not necessarily the coolest, since she's still only human and doesn't have enhanced strength or anything like it.

I'll try to update as soon as possible, even if university is being exhausting and I don't even have time to cry because I'm tired, but I'll do my best, I promise!

Clessidra | Peter Parker.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin