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It has been a little while. I was kinda stumped at what to write next, but I figured it out.
Well here you go...

The whole class had decided to hang out after school. Mostly cause Kim had changed Alex to another dare. I swear those two are the oldest couple. But they are so cute together.
The whole class is here except Lila and Care. We had invited Care but not Lila, or as Mari calls her Lie-la. I stood next to my boyfriend, Nino. I was filming the race for my blog. It my be a blog dedicated to my best friend, but I still but stuff from my life on it.
Mari and Adrien walk over to where Nino and I are standing. "I wonder how long til Care is going to get here," Mari says. And as if on cue Care comes running up. "Sorry, I am late guys. I had to ditch Lila." I smile at her and say,"It's ok."
Max walks out onto the track," Same rules as always. First racer back wins. Go." They take off. Care says,"So, who do y'all think will win? Kim looks like he has a size advantage, but Alex looks like she has the speed advantage. My bet is on Alex winning."
After the race I ask Care how she came up with that tackle bet, which was correct. She just says luckily guess and waves it off. I wonder how she thought of that, that can't be the end of the story. Now that I look at her she kinda looks like Peacock. Nah, couldn't be. I am just being paranoid. As I am deep in thought I hear a boom. When I look up I see an akuma. Of course. Well time to transform. "Trix, transform me!"

Did y'all figure out whose point of view this is? Well next chapter is an akuma. And I have no idea how to spell it.
Well that is all I wanted to say, later!

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