When she was growing up

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Well next part, here we go...

I was only two, when I entered my first foster care place. I was taken from my parents at only the mere age of one. It was all cause of the miraculous my mom possessed. She was at the time the one and only Peacock. A force to be reckoned with. Well, she was.
I never knew who my family was until that day, the day she showed up. I was outside playing in the mud with the boys. I was covered in mud from head to toe. Unlike most girls at my school I could care less how I look. I even hang out with the boys more than the girls. I was spending that morning with my three neatest friends, Will, Gill, and Beats. They dared me to put on a girly dress and jump into the mud, face first. Being the tomboy I am I did it. My friends being the awesome people they are jump in too.
"In all seriousness we should clean up and practice." The four of us have band together along with this other girl girl, Kate. Kate plays the piano. She the most girly person I have ever meet, the only reason we let her join is because she rocks on the piano."Okay," I say nodding my head at Will's statement. As we walk,  covered in mud, back to Gill's house; I see a women, with long blond hair, following us.
When we reach Gill's house Kate is there, glaring at me. For some reason, the I still can't figure out that girl hates me. To break to underlying tension Beats says," How about we practice?" I nod my head and walk to mic. Kate walks to the piano. Will and Gill walk over to the guitars. And Beats walks over to drums. Beats counts us off, Kate, Will, and Gill come in, and last I come in, singing. We practice for about a hour. At the end Kate is complaining.
I am so fed up with up with Kate that I leave. As I walk I walk home I catch glimpses of the woman again. I think she is following me. I enter a dark ally on my way to my foster home. Suddenly the woman appears in front of us. "Who are you?!? And why have you been following me?!?" She pauses and looks at me with a long frown. "I am your mother."

Cliff hanger.
I promise to get the next part out by tomorrow. Maybe even sooner.
I named these charters after my cousins, I hope they never find out.
But anyway, later!

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