New Miraculous on the block

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When cat, bee, fox, and turtle and me got outside; the akauma was just standing. Chat decided to run at him with his baton. A second before chat hit the the akauma; it ran as fast as light next to fox, who also tried to hit him.

"I am Light Speed, and I am your worst nightmare." He then laughs. Chat and bee run up to Light Speed. While those two do that fox creates an illusion of turtle and me. Turtle and I run behind Light Speed. I ready my yo-yo, Jade his shield. But, suddenly, right before I hit Light Speed; two green and blue fans stop it. Holding the fans is a girl with long blond hair, with slight bangs. There is a feather in her hair. She is wearing a blue spandex suit, with a green see though skirt that goes down after in the back than the front. Her mask covers the same amount as mine, with a blue background and green. Pinned to her suit in the right hand upper corner is the peacock miraculous.

She looks me dead in the eye and says,"I am Peacock. I am the new miraculous wheeler, now give me the ladybug earrings!" "No!" I shout back, covering my ears, so I don't show my miraculous."

"Fine how it your way," she says, and charges at chat. Chat can not stand his ground and falls on the ground. Peacock stands over him, a wicked grin on her face. Jade Turtle runs over to help chat, but Peacock can very easily stand her ground against the two of them. She moves gracefully and dodges very hot. Fortunately, the akauma does not put up as much of a fight.

Within five minutes Queen Bee and I have Light Speed pinned to the ground, and I can purify the akauma. Fox left us to help the boys. A man in about his 30's was Light Speed, he ran off as soon as he saw Peacock.

She looks at all of us and says,"Forget it I am not dealing with the whole Team Miraculous." With that she flies off. The five of us stand there for about a minute looking at one another speechless. But, the reports soon come. The five of us take our leave, then. Queen Bee and Red Fox fly, Chat Noir jumps on the building, Shell Turtle hitches a ride with Red Fox, and I swing off on my yo- yo.

So, what did y'all think? Is good for a chapter two?
Oh, did y'all figure out it is in Ladybug's point of view.
Oh and here is a picture of what Red Fox, Shell Turtle, and Queen look like...

And of course there are these two...

I have no idea who draw these, I just found them and like them.
Well I think that is it. So, I am going to go, later!

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