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"What do mean your my mother!!!! Where have you been the last 13 years of my life!!!!" She puts her hand over my mouth. "I don't have much time. They are after me. I they find out that I found they will kill both of us." I look at her like she is crazy; which she probably is. "Who?" I say with questionable look. "I can't say any more, I had too much already. But my little peacock, you must do something. You must take this," she places a peacock brooch in my hand. She continues," You must go to Paris and get the ladybug and cat miraculous, and use them to restore our family. To where you are raised with your twin brother, Adrien Aggest. But you must not let nor your father know who you are. And under any circumstance do not let the miraculous destroy you. Now til we meet again my little peacock." I look up from the brooch in my hand about to ask how, but she is gone.
Well I should try to get Paris. Find my family and no longer be without a family. I then continue on my way home.

So.... good?

The New StudentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora