The Boss was out of town, at the worst possible moment in time. There was a break-in, or a malfunction with the machinery at his labs, and he was not there to deal with it. And, to top it all off, almost nobody there knew how to deal with something like this, and he was one of those few. Although, Lab Assistant 217 was as well, so he reasoned that they were in good hands.

Suddenly, his phone went off, and he fished it out of his pocket. “Sir,” a whispering voice met his ear as he picked up, “I think we have a major problem right now-“

He cut her off quickly, not having the time for long winded explanations. “You think or you know?” He barked into the phone.

He heard her take a deep breath before responding, and the boss dreaded what she was about to say. Whenever people took deep breaths before speaking to another person it was always bad. “I know.” Her voice shook slightly, but the words were clear.

This time, he took a deep breath, attempting not to show his anger at her. She might the only help he had in this situation, and angering her would not be good for either of them. “How bad is it? No, actually, what is it?” There was a pause before she responded, and the Boss figured that Lab Assistant 217 was thinking about how exactly to word what she was about to say. That meant that it probably was really bad. Great!

“I am sorry, but you must wait a moment. There seems to be another disturbance.” This time, her tone sounded robotic, as though someone was in the room with her. The Boss held back another sigh and pressed his phone closer to his ear, hoping to hear what was going on. It didn’t work, but after a moment, Lab Assistant 217 came back on the line, sounding slightly breathless this time.

“Domini Jetson has disappeared,” she said flatly into the phone. It took the Boss a few moments to comprehend what she had, and by then she was already speaking again. “That is the other disturbance. The first is that there seems to have been a mass breakout in this lab. That’s how the security was breeched. And… I think that it was an employee here; no one else has access to that kind of area. Also, the security was only breeched in this lab, but the nearby labs are also feeling the hit. It’s a big hit,” she muttered unnecessarily.

The Boss took another moment to gather his thoughts. He had realized that there was only one group of people who could do this, and that there would be more things like this, a lot more. They had to be stopped soon, otherwise their whole society would be thrown into more chaos than there had ever been, even before the Creator came along. The S.U.I.C.I.D.E.R.S. had decided that it was the best time to strike back. “Lab Assistant 217, have you ever been informed of the S.U.I.C.I.D.E.R.S.?” He asked, trying to keep his voice under control, and calm sounding.

“Yes, but why? We are in the middle of a crisis!” The Boss could hear the undertone of panic in her voice, even as she tried to hide it.

“I think that we are under attack, and there is only one group who would dare attack us, and even have the manpower for it. Also, I think that it is time for us to interrogate Mr. and Mrs. Jetson. It seems as though they were a part of this, as their daughter seems to be the only one who has escaped. Her lab is one of the most protected in the country; she wouldn’t have been able to escape without help.”

On the other end of the line, the Boss heard Lab Assistant 217 draw in a breath, but did not hear her expel it. He gave her a few moments to fully understand what he had said; he knew how she felt right now.  He had been feeling that way only moments ago, when the idea had first sprouted in his mind. Truthfully, he wasn’t surprised that they had been attacked. What did surprise him was their not so subtle way of attack. Mostly, the S.U.I.C.I.D.E.R.S. tried to be kind of low key, and only disrupt smaller things that the government did not notice as easily. There was only one question swirling around the depths of his mind at this moment: Why? Why now? Why attack now, when there have been so many better opportunities? There had even been times when their guards- the F.B.O.P. - had been a little slack, but yet there had been no attack. That was when they had been at their weakest.

There could really be only one thing that had inspired something like this, at this very moment: Domini Jetson. Just as the interrogation was about to get worse, and maybe she had been about to spill something, she had just up and disappeared. This had been the S.U.I.C.I.D.E.R.S. first attack of this scale in years.

Domini Jetson was obviously a lot more important than anyone had ever let on. The government had coveted her because she might have been their way to find out how exactly the teenagers committed suicide. Without her, they were at a loss. But why on earth were the S. U. I. C. I. D. E. R. S. so interested in a girl who probably didn’t even know that a rebellion existed, much less what- or who- were involved in it.

Domini still had not decided what to do with herself. She could not decide. Something told her that staying would be her best option, but she didn’t want to be here. These labs were the epitome of horror. Luckily, it seemed that she did not have to decided, because at that exact moment, a lab coat covered person burst in. There was a needle in his left hand. As he took in her quivering form he paused, and his expression softened slightly. Domini stopped shaking.

“Why are you still here?” He hissed at her. Domini was too afraid to answer; she barely heard him anyways. She was too focused on the needle that was now being jabbed in her direction. Reflexively, her arm came up and wrapped around her knees and she pressed her face down, hiding. “Oh.” The man whispered his tone more kindly this time. Still, Domini did not look up. “I’m sorry, sweetie. I don’t want to do this, but it’s necessary.”

Domini opened her mouth, and a shaky, “What?” left it. The man smiled kindly at her. She did not return it, and he sighed. Silently, he reached out with the needle and Domini shrunk away even further. Her expression was fearful. He was not trusted; that much was evident.

Moments later, Domini felt the pinch of a needle on her arm. “No, not again.” She whimpered to no one but herself. Then, the colors of her world melted away, leaving nothing but black to fill her vision. Domini finally gave in and let sleep overcome her.

“Good-night, baby girl.” That strange man said to Domini, even though he was sure that she could not hear him. She did not respond, and the man picked her up and turned and sprinted away. “I got her.” He said; to the very first person his path crossed. They breathed a sigh of relief. Domini Jetson was finally in their custody. Because, she, of course, was the entire reason this raid had begun.


I don't believe that Mr. and Mrs. Jetson don't appear again until chapter 8, and I'm sorry for those who really wanted to know what was going to happen with them.

Anyways, if you liked it,remember to comment,vote and fan.



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