Chapter 6

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So, I kept up to my promise,at least on this one. Sorry if any of the spacing isweird; my spacebar is being all screwy. That said , I hope you enjoy the chapter!


She thrashed as she awoke from the deep sleep she had been coerced into. It really wasn’t all that pleasant to experience. Domini was extremely irritated with what had happened. And, to top it all off, she did not know why she had been forced to sleep. Something was really different about that, and Domini intended to find out. Of course, she would first have to escape. The chance of that happening was not something that Domini liked thinking about. She already had enough on her mind without adding the thoughts of that too.

Still, Domini knew that it was something that she had to deal with, and soon. The longer she stayed here, the less chance she had of escaping. The longer she stayed here, the farther away her true self would be. If she did not leave soon, she could turn into one of the mindless robots that her Utopia permitted, and encouraged. That was one of the things that made Domini the angriest: they tried to play God by forcing everyone to follow their examples, and those examples only. They were not very good at it, but don’t tell them that unless you have a death wish.

Suddenly, the piercing shriek of an alarm went off, and Domini jumped up, nervous now. This was something she had never heard of; but then again, there was so much that she- and the other citizens- did not know. The metal walls flew open and Domini stared, astonished. She knew that she should take the chance, which might be the only one that she would, and could, ever get yet she hesitated. So many things were spinning through her head, throwing her life into turmoil. She had only moments to decide; run, or don’t run? What would she do? What could she do?

Lab Assistant 217 had heard that something was happening at the labs that Domini was held within. Mysterious events always seemed to surround the girl, even though she did not seem to do very much. Domini Jetson never really seemed involved in it either, but it somehow always benefited her. Now if she could only figure out how….

“L.A. 217, we need you down here now! You are one of the few who have seen the likes of this before; get over here!” The coarse voices of Vasperilia’s coworkers filled her eyes. Instead of replying, she merely nodded and ran down to their laughing and mocking voices. They didn’t know what to make of this; that much was clear.

Silently, she pushed everyone out of the way, and knelt by the monitoring systems. In a brisk tone of voice she began handing out orders, as nobody had begun to do that yet. “And where are you going?” A particularly snarky lab assistant who did not like to be told what to do snapped at her as she turned back to the monitor.

In a calm and serene voice Vasperilia replied, “I am going to be monitoring the progress and distress calls from our labs and others. After all, I am the only one who knows what they are doing. Now go!”  Vasperilia smiled sweetly as the snarky lady turned to go with a loud humph! Nobody really liked her anyways. Vasperilia had always wondered how they had given such an irritating woman a job in this lab. That wouldn’t surprise her. “Focus, V, focus!” She hissed to herself under her breath as her thoughts began to go astray.

She looked back at the computer screen and her jaw dropped, her perfect face contorting into a look that no one in the labs really ever had on their faces: surprise.  Immediately, her hand reached for the phone that was situated right next to the screen she was watching and using to monitor the progress. “Sir,” she whispered after dialing, “I think we have a major problem right now-“He cut her off.

“You think or you know?” He boomed into her ears.

Taking a deep breath, Lab Assistant 217 forced the words out of her mouth.  “I know.”

A Perfect Utopia?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora