The King's Arrival

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The preparations for the king's arrival had been happening for almost a week, and Annaliese was rather annoyed with it all. 

She wanted to see the King, the beauty of all Westeros – The Queen, the kingslayer and a few others she had heard quite a bit about. Winterfell hadn't been this frantic since a letter was sent saying her father was returning from the war. She had only been two, but even then she was well aware of the chaos, watching it from the safety of her mother's arms. 

Now she was a part of it.

Her father had placed her in charge of décor – She had spent the past week telling Servants where to hang the banners of house Baratheon, house Lannister and house Stark. She made sure there were more Stark banners than the others, it was their home after all. 

Annaliese made her way across the courtyard, trying to find Grand Master Ludwin for her father, when she saw her younger brother climbing down the tower.

"Brandon!" Her mother's voice rang out. Annaliese smirked and she moved forward quickly, catching him as he jumped into her arms.

"No more climbing." Her mother scolded, hiding her smile a she watched Annaliese and Bran grin at one another. Annaliese lowered him to their mother's feet.

"Promise me, no more climbing." She said, leaning down.

Bran looked at the floor and Annaliese rolled her eyes.

"I promise." He said quietly.

"Do you know what?" Catelyn asked him.


"You always look at your feet before you lie."

Bran grinned at her and she in return, gave him a small smile.

"I saw them! There were so many of them." Bran said with excitement as his older sister moved to stand beside her mother

"How many?" Annaliese asked with a smile.

"Over one hundred!" Bran whispered with joy.

Annaliese laughed.

"A great many for you to watch then Bran." She replied warmly.

"Go and tell your father the king is almost here" said Catelyn "And find your brothers and sister, tell them they must be ready."

Bran nodded and ran off. Catelyn watched him go with a smile, noticing how Annaliese was staring into the sky.

"Anna?" Her mother asked gently.

"Everything is going to change now." She stated, her tone flat.

Catelyn reached out and gripped her oldest daughter's hand, wishing Annaliese was a young girl again so she could pull her into her arms.

"It will be alright Anna, we'll manage."

Annaliese's blue eyes fell upon her mother, the warmth from them soothing Catelyn's panic.

"I'll believe you when you believe yourself mother." She whispered.

Catelyn wasn't sure how she could see through people the way she did. One look, and she could tell so many things. Even from a young age she had been able to tell when her mother was sad or when her father was lying to keep her safe. This in turn made her very blunt, and it still unnerved Catelyn but she was glad that her daughter was so honest and only wanted to help. She could never have deserved such a daughter.

"You've always been too clever for your own good." Catelyn said with a smile.

She frowned as Annaliese's face darkened slightly.

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