//Beach day\\

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After another long day of hunting you finally get to rest

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After another long day of hunting you finally get to rest. You lay on the rugged motel bed staring up at the plain white ceiling. Dean brings in the bag putting it beside the bed.

"We have the weekend off what do you guys want to do?" Dean asks as sam walks out of the bathroom.

"Beach!" You cheer.

You're dying to feel the sea breeze hit your face. You've never been to the beach and you're just wanting to go so bad. Your brothers shrug.

"Alright. Beach it is."

You cheer and mentally scream. You get up throwing clothes into your bag.

"Wait I don't have a bathing suit."

"We'll go to Walmart to get some." Dean suggest grabbing his keys.

You smile big practically pushing him out the door. You guys go to Walmart looking around at the swimsuits. You see your favorite color bikini and you're in love with it.

You grab it looking for your size. You go into the changing rooms and put on your bikini. You look in the mirror feeling confident in yourself. You push a string of hair behind your ear knowing this is the swimsuit for you.

You take it off changing back into your blood stained clothes. You walk out going up to your brothers. You grab some shorts, and a white crop top to put over your swimsuit.

After paying for the swimsuits you all go back inside deans car. You take out your phone putting in your headphones.

"Beach here we come!" Dean yells driving off into the night.

*Beach day*

You lay on your beach towel tanning while your brothers set up base.

"Alright who wants to go wave jumping?" Dean asks clapping his hands.

You sit up cracking your knuckles.

"Was that a challenge?" You ask.

"Hell yeah it was." Dean says.

You stand up nodding at him. You guys race to the ocean. You get there first bragging in front of your brothers. Dean picks you up over his shoulder. He throws you in the ocean as he laughs.

You come up already deciding your plan. Sam looks at you and knows what you're thinking. They come out into the ocean playing around. You signal Sam and he acts like he was dragged under.

You do the same freaking dean out so much. He runs to the shore you laughing underwater. You guys come up seeing dean with a gun in his hand. His eyes go wide and put it in his bag. You laugh walking back to shore.

Dean nudges you as you sit down. He mumbles under his breath shoving a Sandwhich in his mouth. You lean against Sam popping a grape in your mouth.

Best day ever.

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