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Warning- Medication use.

This was written by: One-shot-tumblr... this chapter was not written by myself.

"Damn it Sammy! I knew this was a bad idea! We should never have brought her with us!"

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"Damn it Sammy! I knew this was a bad idea! We should never have brought her with us!"

You could hear your older brother's voice but barely. You had started to drift in and out of consciousness.

"Just grab her and let's get her back to the bunker before she loses too much blood."


You had been conscious on the ride over, well for the most part. Once they had brought you in they did lots of cleaning and stitching on your wounds but luckily they weren't fatal. You cursed, groaned, winced, and yelled as they patched you up.

"It huuuuurts!!" You cried out to your big brothers.

Sam handed you some pills and water, "take this, you won't feel a thing after you do." He gave you a small smile.

You took the pills and minute by minute your pain started to fade out. However, you got a head rush and started feeling a little dizzy.

"Guys, this is making me feel really weird." You slurred your words slightly and giggled uncontrollably.

"Damn it again Sammy, you gave her too much! Now she sounds like a drunk."

"Dean, just shut it for now. She was in a lot of pain and I couldn't stand to see our little sister in pain, especially because we couldn't prevent it."

You smiled at them, not really hearing a word they said. While they were bickering you got up and started to dance around. You had never felt like this and it felt magical. You giggled to yourself more. Your dancing began consisting of mostly turning in circles. You tripped over yourself but before you hit the ground a pair of strong hands caught you.

"Y/n, you should be more careful with yourself. You could get injured." You smiled up at Cas.

"Oh look, she escapes us for a minute and she's already tripping over herself." Dean sighed,

"Cas, please set her down on the chair before she breaks something."

You looked up at the human Cas, "You have pretty hairs."

He just stared at you confused, "I am not sure what that means. Is that a compliment?"

Sam's laugh boomed through the entire place,

"She is on painkillers Cas. She was injured on a hunt and this was the only way to soothe the pain."

"I see. You should keep a closer eye on her." He sat you down in a wooden chair.

"What do we do now?"

"We have to keep her from having too much fun on her happy high." Sam smirked.

"See Dean, every negative has a positive, now we have hours of entertainment before she ends up passing out from exhaustion."

You stood up, balancing yourself, than rummaged through the fridge, pulling out just about anything you could get your hands on.

"I'm hungry!"

"You have grabbed the most random assortment of foods I have ever seen, y/n. Just eat a sandwich because if you cook you might burn the house down." Dean was still obviously not happy about everything.

You grabbed the sandwich from the fridge and sat down in your chair. You took a few bites then your head dropped and banged against the table.

"Ow!" You shouted.

"Come on, let's get you into bed. You might injure yourself more." Dean picked you up and carried you to your room and put you in your bed, covering you up.

"Try not to roll out of bed or anything."

"Aye aye captain!" You smiled to yourself and eventually passed out.


You woke up, you vaguely remembered anything but the dull pain in your body was a reminder of what happened on the hunt. You sat up and looked around, you saw your two brothers and Cas all sleeping in chairs. Well, Cas was on the floor with a pillow and a blanket. You smiled big, they had slept in there to watch over you.

"I love you guys, I couldn't ask for a better family." You whispered then lay down again, falling back into a peaceful sleep knowing all of them were going to keep you safe.

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