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Thank you Empris12 and everyone else who voted on this book for giving me 10+ votes to give me my 116 votes and 741 views on book.

Honesty-(3days later)

I was sitting with Emoni and Emmanuel on the couch when I heard the doorbell ring. I got up and opened the door. When I opened the door I saw Elijah standing with some flowers and 2 envelopes in his hand. He must not know how o feel about him right now. That's OK, I'll just play if off until I get tired of seeing that fake ass smile on his face anymore.

Honesty: aww those for me
( smiles fake)

Elijah: no, them

I looked back at the couch and surprisedly the twin were still on the couch. Good. I don't want them near him anyways.

Elijah: can I come in to give these to them.

Honesty: how I give it to them.

I reached for the gifts but he pulled them put of my reach.

Elijah: why can't I see the twins?

Honesty: because I just got them settle down and when they see you they're gonna wanna play again.

Elijah: oh, that's coo. How you been?

Honesty: fine, how has Morgan been?

Elijah: um...good. Yeah really good.

Honesty: oh really...

Elijah: yeah really. The last time I saw her she was coo.

Honesty: oh really because the last I heard she was getting what was called "gang rapped" and you were apart of it.

Elijah's eyes grew wide. He pulled me outside and shut the door behind me. He dragged me by my right arm all the way to my garage.

Elijah: you have to keep your mouth shut.

Honesty: why, so you keep abusing those girls.

Elijah: how do you know what forget about that. Honesty I wasn't in that, I swear.

Honesty: whatever, then explain to me what you were doing while she was getting rapped because you were there while it was happening.

Elijah: listen I'm not like that Honesty.

The expression on his face made me want to believe him. But since I already knew what he did I already knew he was lying. But honestly if I didn't have proof of his crime I probably would have believed him.

Honesty: you think I'm dumb don't you.

Elijah: hones-

Honesty: save it EJ! If you weren't that type of guy then why would Kennedy call me a month ago crying saying you put your hands on her then?

Yeah I kinda already knew that Elijah had some aggressiveness in him but when Morgan had told me everything that happened to her for the past few years before and while me and Jacob was dating I really was caution about how I act around Jacob.

Honesty: plus how dare you neglect your own son? (If you are confused at this sentence remember Elijah has a son with Kennedy not honesty) but you all over here tryin take care of kids that ain't even yours. I'm not even letting Jacob see his own kids anymore, so why would I let you. Shit given my kids money and flowers, how about you take yo own damn son that shit, nigga.

I pushed him out of my way, about go back in the house with the twins until he yanked my arm back and tried to kiss me but I kicked his private and he fell down. I tried to run but he grabbed my ankle. I kicked him in his face and he let go.

I ran in the house and the twins were still sitting on the couch. I calmly told them to his in the bathroom closet and wait there until mommy told them to come out. I had to tell them that mommy wanted to play his and go seek so they won't ask so many questions about why they were hiding. I watched them go into the bathroom then I went into the kitchen and grabbed a big steak hammer.

I ran back to the living room and looked out the window. His car was still there in the driveway. I stepped out side and went to my garage. He wasn't there anymore. I started to get scared. I turned around and bumped into his chest. I panicked and just start whacking him in his stomach. I whacked him hard in his stomach at least 10 times before he fell to his knees with his mouth open. It was was a fighting argue, I couldn't hold back he needed to pay for his wrongs. I hit him one last time as hard as I could in the side of his mouth. He fell to the floor making a small thump noise as he hit his head on the cement.

I felt bad and I wanted to cry. I got on my knees and lifted his head up. What have I done. Blood was coming from his mouth and the side of his head where he had hit it on the cement. A million thoughts ran through my mind. What if his dead? What if my kids see this? What will Jacob do to me? Eli won't have a father. Poor Kennedy...I'm sorry.

I looked at his face. GOT DAMN I FUCKED HIM UP! Damn it I need to go. Fuck what I am going to do. I quickly ran to the bathroom where the twins were and told them that hide and go seek was over and to go put on their shoes. I packed them some clothes for a week. I told them to wait in the house for a quick second. I ran back to the bathroom and grabbed a few paper towels. I ran back to my garage and cleaned Elijah up a little bit then I dragged him to the passenger seat of my car and put him in and buckled his seat belt up then grabbed his keys out his pocket so later I could move his car out of my driveway. Then I gabbed the bags and the twins and got them in.

Emoni: what's wrong with uncle Elijah mommy?

Honesty: he's just sleep.

Emmanuel: why is there blood on the side of he's face Mama.

Honesty: that's not blood that's strawberry juice.

Twins: can I have some!

Honesty: No and don't get out of your seats.

Emmanuel: k. Mama where are we go wen?
(Spelled when wrong on purpose)

Honesty: to Grandma's house.

Emoni: eww no mommy can we go see daddy?

Honesty: daddy's out of town

Both: (cries)😥😤😞😢

I dropped them off and left quickly after giving them both kisses.
I pulled up at the hospital and ran in fast.


Immediately some doctors came running towards me. I pointed at my car and Elijah. They quickly got him out and into a carrier bed. They rushed him into a room and had me stay in the waiting room. A few hours later a doctor came out of the room.

Doctor: um excuse me ma'am, who are you to Elijah Johnson?

Honesty: I'm his girlfriend (lie)

Doctor: well Elijah is in an induced coma and in very bad conditions. With a few broken bones in his rib cage and the right side of his skull is slightly cracked so in surgery there is an 50% chance he might either die or lose his memory.

I instantly broke down crying. What have I done? I ran out the hospital leaving the man just standing there. I couldn't take the guilt ranking in me. And all I could think of was eli and Kennedy.

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