chp3 plz dont hurt me

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I already knew what Santo was going to do to me when he pulled into the alley. So I began to cry as hard as could telling him I was sorry and that I would do anything for him if he would just take me home. But he wasn't buying it, he told me to take my clothes off and get in the backseat. I told him to fuck off but I instantly regret say it when he roughly snatched me out of the passenger seat and throw me on the wall with his dick near my area.

He covered my mouth and put his hand up my skirt and ripped off my underwear. He then unbuckled his belt and forced himself in me. Its hurts so bad. As he raped me I thought about all the times he has done this in front of my brother and his friends and nobody did anything about it. There was even a time when Jacob would help do it. I cried every time. It's what I have to go through to live in this world. PURE FUCKING PAIN!!!!! That's why I help get them subjects for them to pray and abuse so, they wouldn't have to touch me. Why do you think I'm even friends with Chanel in the first place. Not because I need friends, I have plenty going through the same thing or worse, some in gangs or in jail and some in hell. I don't need anymore friends, I just need someone to take my place for a few years before they get pregnant and die ( because non of them boys have time to take care of babies so they kill both baby and woman then bumped them in the ocean) .

I snapped out of my thoughts when suddenly I took a punch to the stomach for not calling Santo daddy. I swear his punches hurt so bad, It felt like something broke in my body and I felt like throwing up as he kept pumping in and out of me. He took himself out of me and I fell to the ground hard ,hurting my left ankle. Santo stood over me and started saying things but I couldn't hear a word he said. He started kicking my several time in my stomach and private part. I throw up and closed my eyes hoping he would get a clue that I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't say a word ,didn't cry ,fight ,scream or tried to get up .I just sat there with my eyes closed waiting for him to stop beating me. I laid there hopelessly as he punched me dead in my nose which instantly started to bleed. He didn't give a damn and end up busting my lip and I end up biting the side of me cheek when he hit me in my mouth. Blood was everywhere. All over me and no one was there to help me. I wanted to die.

Santo: how was your day boo?
He said as he bent down a little closer to my face.

Me: g-g-good
I could barely talk with my face and stomach badly damage.

Santo: see that wasn't hard was it?you went through all this for nothing when you could have answered me the first time.

He pick me up and laid me in his backseat. He had stopped at a store to get some tissue for my face. After he wiped my face he kissed me then went back driving. When he got to my house ,I was to weak to get out the car so he carried me in and went up to my room. He kissed my forehead and told me to get some rest. He also gave me a pill to take for the headache that was forming inside my head.

When he left I cried myself to sleep. I couldn't take this pain anymore. I knew what I had to do.

House of hell •|• Jacob Perez √حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن