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Kol's pov

Me and Davina are out in the town, walking hand in hand, passing the violinist stood outside a cafe. Me and Davina were having a nice night out together just the two of us, Rebekah was babysitting Zander as she's currently the only person in my family other than Davina that I trust with Zander, I don't leave Zander alone when Freya or Elijah are near by as I'm wary of them, I'm afraid they'll use him as a sacrificial lamb like they did with Davina but I won't take any chances and I know Davina won't either. "So has Klaus told you why he needed you here? I just remember you never told me" Davina says as we pass a couple of street dancers "yeah apparently there's an old enemy of his that wants revenge" I say "shocker" she says sarcastically making me chuckle "he doesn't know who the person is but he has received warnings from them and he's paranoid about it he thinks whoever is after him is already in New Orleans" I say "why does this always happen? Can't you and your family just sit down and relax for once" she says "I'm always thinking the same thing but I know one day there will be no more drama and we'll be free to relax and live our lives normally" I say "I hope so as I'd hate for drama to occur every day while we live here" she says making me freeze on the spot "you want to stay here?" I ask "yeah why not other than the whole supernatural drama that goes on here it's a lovely place to live and I did grow up here although some memories aren't pleasant the rest are good and I want Zander to be surrounded by a loving family who will love him and keep him safe which is something I never had growing up" she says looking at me with a sad smile "well now you do and I'm happy that you want to live here again I'm sure Rebekah and Marcel will be too" I say "just one thing we don't have to live under the same roof as your siblings do we?" She asks "no of course not we'll get a place of our own here" I say "good because I'd go crazy from living in a house with Klaus" she says making me chuckle "I know the feeling plus having a place of our own means we can make our own rules and have some really good fun without being interrupted" I say pulling her close to me so she's pressed up against my chest, she giggles at me and lays her head where my heart is and we start swaying to the street music that's currently playing "it'll be our home" she whispers "my home is wherever you and Zander are darling" I say gently placing my chin on top of her head as we continue to sway in the street to the music as the night goes on.

So it's a short chapter but the next chapter might be longer, hope you enjoyed it.

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