It's really you

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Davina's pov

I just put Zander down for a nap, he's come down with a cold so he's been really tired, I've used a remedy I made from herbs, to make him feel a little better so hopefully he'll be better within a day or two as I hate it when my little boy is sick it breaks my heart.

I put on the washing and head into the living room with a cup of hot chocolate in hand and pick up the spell book I was reading through earlier, just as I turn the page, there's a knock at the door making me frown, now who would that be? It can't be Josh he would've called me beforehand and he's the only person I interact with these days with a sigh I place my cup and spell book on the coffee table and make my way to the front door and when I open it, my heart drops as standing outside my apartment is the the love of my life and the father of my son

Kol Mikaelson

"K-kol" I stutter in surprise "hello darling" he says with his signature smile "where have you been?" I ask "it's a long story one which I shall tell you about later but for now how about you let me enter so I can kiss you" he says "come in" I say stepping aside so he could enter and as soon as he's in, he cups my face with both hands and kisses me passionately, oh how I've missed him "I've missed you" I mutter as I pull away  "I've missed you more than you can imagine" he says "I tried to find you but I couldn't" I say "it's okay darling" he says "I heard about what Marcel did to you and your family I'm sorry" I say "hey it's alright it wasn't your fault" he says "Kol there's something I need to tell you" I say "you had a child, our child" he says surprising me "how did you know?" I ask "Hope had been getting visions of the child and Freya cast a spell and she saw you" he says stroking my arms with a smile "our child is the reason I'm alive he somehow resurrected me" I say "that's my boy looking after his mother" he says making me smile "he's currently taking a nap he's sick with a cold but he should be better soon" I say "I'll wait til he wakes up then so care to tell me what our dearest son is called" he says "Zander Mikaelson" I say "I approve" he says with a huge smile on his face "he's so much like you" I say "good" he replies "I can't believe it's really you" I say stroking his face making him smile "I'm the one who should be saying that at first I thought it was just a cruel joke but you're actually alive" he says kissing me once more making me smile "mommy" a small voice calls causing us to pull away and turn to see Zander standing there rubbing his eyes, I immediately walk over to him and pick him up balancing him on my hip and he snuggles his head into my neck "thirsty mommy" he says tiredly "do you want juice?" I ask "yes mommy" he says I head into the kitchen and I hear Kol follow us, I place Zander on the ground as I grab a juice carton from the fridge and hand it to him "thank you mommy" he says before taking a sip making me smile "you're welcome sweetie" I say ruffling his hair causing him to push my hand away making me giggle, I turn to see Kol leaning against the kitchen door frame with his arms crossed over his chest and a smile on his face "mommy who's that?" Zander asks finally noticing Kol "that's your daddy" I say Zander drops his juice carton and slowly walks over to Kol tilting his head to the side just like Kol does "daddy?" He ponders pointing to Kol "yeah that's right buddy I'm your daddy" Kol replies crouching down so he's at Zander's level "hi daddy" Zander says throwing his arms around Kol's neck and placing his head in the crook of his neck with a heart felt smile Kol wraps his arms around him and stands up cradling him "hi buddy daddy's home now" he mutters stroking his back, my heart melts at the sight this is how it's suppose to be, just the three of us as a family.

Next chapter will be up tomorrow

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