Meeting Grandpa Marcel

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Davina's pov

After we all had dinner, we headed into the living room "so Davina does Marcel know you're alive and well a mother to none other than Kol's child?" Klaus asks me causally "no he doesn't when I was resurrected I went to get a check up to see if everything was okay with me which is when I found out I was expecting Zander so I went to look for Kol and Marcel but I couldn't find Kol but I did find Marcel and I didn't like what I saw so I left before he could see me" I say "we understand if you'd like to see him as he is part of your family" says Elijah "he's still alive after what he did to you all?" I ask hopeful as I know Marcel did wrong but I presume the grieve and pain of losing me the girl he saw as his daughter was much too great and got to his head "yeah he is I decided not to extract revenge on him as he still is like a son to me and for some reason the thought of ending him didn't suit well with me" says Klaus "okay well I'll go see him tomorrow" I say I look up at Kol who wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him, I close my eyes and snuggle my head in the crook of his neck, Zander is playing with Hope over in the corner along with Rebekah who is keeping watch on them. Me and Kol decide to head up to bed with Zander as we're all pretty tired.

The next day

"Mommy! Daddy! Wake up wake up" our son Zander yells jumping on the bed in an attempt to wake us up which he succeeds in doing so "hey buddy what are you doing?" Kol chuckles as Zander continues to jump up and down on the bed "waking you up aunt Beks told me too" he says throwing himself in between me and Kol "what else did aunt Beks say buddy?" Kol asks "she said you smell daddy" he says making me giggle as Kol scowls "well I'll be having words with aunt Beks" Kol replies hoping out of bed and throwing on a shirt seeing as he already has sweats on from last night "Rebekah!" Kol yells walking out the room making me and Zander laugh "come on sweetie let's get ready I'm taking you to meet someone today" I say picking him up and swinging him around in my arms as I get out of bed, making him giggle loudly which brings a warm sensation to my heart at the sound.

I quickly get Zander dressed, I pick out a dark blue long sleeved top, light blue jeans and white converse "there you go cute as a button" I say tickling him making him giggle "mommy stop that tickles" he says "alright only because I love you" I say gently tapping his nose "I love you too mommy" he says with his cute little smile that I love so much "that's my boy now go find your father I need to get ready" I say kissing his cheek "daddy!" He yells running out the room in search of his father making me shake my head at him, he's so much like Kol in many ways. I head to my bag and unzip it to pick out some clothes, I didn't bother to unpack as I don't know how long we're gonna be here for. I pick out a navy blue camisole top, black skinny jeans and black pumps and change into them, then I head down stairs to where everyone else is, Zander is in Rebekah's arms giggling at the conversation Rebekah and Kol are currently having "hey" I say "mommy" Zander says when he sees me "hey baby" I say holding out my arms for him and Rebekah hands him to me "I'll see you lot in a bit" I say "take care love" says Rebekah "call me if anything happens" Kol says kissing my forehead "I will bye" I say before walking out the compound with Zander in my arms, now time to see Marcel.

10 minutes later I arrive at St Anne's church and immediately come face to face with Vincent "Davina nice to see you again" he says "you too Vince" I say Vincent also knew I was alive intact he was the one who informed me of what Marcel had done "look at this guy is this the baby you were pregnant with?" He asks oh yeah he also knew I was pregnant I told him as when I found him I was in a bad state and I just spilled everything to him there and then but he assured me that everything would be fine and he was also the one who convinced me not to tell Marcel I was alive and expecting the unborn child of Kol Mikaelson, Vincent thought by telling Marcel I'd be putting my unborn baby in danger as he hated the Mikaelsons for what happened with me but now it's 4 years later and hopefully things have died down with Marcel's hatred for the Mikaelsons "yeah it is he's called Zander" I say looking down at Zander who insisted that he walk and hold my hand "well hello there Zander I'm Vincent a friend of your mom's" Vincent says kneeling down to Zander's height "hi" Zander says with a shy wave "he's a cute kid so what brings you back here?" He asks standing up "as you know the Mikaelsons have come back well I came back with Kol last night in order for Zander to meet his family and Klaus needed Kol for something" I say "oh I see how did the family take to the newest member of the Mikaelson family?" He ask curiously "good they adore him and he adores them especially Rebekah and Hope and of course Kol" I say "good so why are you out here?" He asks "I'm looking for Marcel I think it's about time he met his grandson" I say "I'll take you to him he's been rather grouchy since the Mikaelsons came back" he says "okay" I say I hope nothing goes wrong I thought as I followed Vincent to wherever Marcel is.

"Marcel someone's here to see you" Vincent says opening a door "tell them to go away" I hear Marcel say "not even me" I say entering the room but leaving Zander outside the door with Vincent "D?" He asks standing up and walking over to me "hey Marcel" I say "how are you alive?" He asks "it's a long story" I say "well I've got time" he says "you should sit down" I say taking a deep breath

An hour later

"YOU WHAT?" He shouts when I finished telling him everything "I had a child Kol's child" I say repeating myself but clearly Marcel doesn't like the idea of me having a child with Kol "great another Mikaelson I have to worry about" he says making me frown "don't you dare say that Zander is nothing like the others for the past 4 years he's been with me I raised him alone and he is a good kid he might be part Mikaelson but he's also part of me too" I say "Klaus will use you as a weapon now that you have a child with Kol you do know that right?" He asks "I won't let Klaus do that to me you know that Zander is my son and I am his mother I will protect him from anyone I see as a threat to him" I say sternly "you've grown up" says Marcel with a smile "yeah well having a child does that to you especially when you're alone" I say "why didn't you come to me I would've been there for you?" He asks "I heard about what you did to the Mikaelsons and I was angry that after everything I did to bring back Kol you'd risk his life again especially after I told you my death wasn't his fault" I say "I'm sorry D I wasn't thinking about what you wanted I was just angry and wanted revenge for what happened to you" he says "I know but that was too far anyway let's get past that I don't want to talk about it" I say "okay what do you want to talk about?" He asks "I don't know would you like to meet your grandson?" I ask "you bought him with you?" He asks "yeah he's waiting outside with Vincent" I say "okay bring him in" he says I nod and head to the door, open it and gently take Zander's hand in mine and lead him inside "Marcel this is Zander my son Zander this is Marcel your grandpa" I say introducing them to each other "hi grandpa" Zander says with a little wave before hiding behind my legs "hello Zander it's nice to meet you" Marcel says crouching down to his height "it's okay sweetie he won't hurt you" I say looking at Zander who keeps looking from me to Marcel, he eventually decides Marcel is no threat to him and steps out from behind my legs and steps closer to Marcel "that's it buddy come to grandpa" Marcel says with a genuine smile "grandpa" Zander squeals throwing himself into Marcel's arms making us both laugh "hey I see you're a hugger" he says picking him up "I like hugs" Zander replies "he really does" I say "he looks like you well expect the eyes of course" he says "I'm not sure I think he looks more like Kol" I say "no I see you in him" Marcel replies "oh you would say that" I say making him chuckle "yeah but that's just because I'm not keen on Kol as you already know but this little guy is definitely your son just as much as he is Kol's I see that now" he says "well we need to head back Zander needs his dinner" I say "okay well bring him to see me whenever you can I'd like to see my grandson" he says placing Zander back on the ground "will do Marcel take care now" I say taking Zander's hand and leading him to the door "you too D" he says I nod and wave before leaving the building and head straight back to the compound.

Chapter ends there, hope you enjoyed it

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