#154 - Brian Billett - #41 Knoxville Ice Bears

Start from the beginning

I chuckled at the memory. "How could I? You woke me up at 3 am to go get ice cream with you because it calmed you down." 

"Exactly, and you know how you gave me the pep talk before I went onto the ice?"


"Well, can you give me one now?" Brian asked nervously. I slapped my hands onto his shoulders and pulled him down to my height so our eyes connected, I held onto his shoulder hard and stared at him with so much fire. 

"Right, listen up, Billett. Tonight's game, you are going to kill it. You are an amazing goal tender and don't think any less of yourself, you may have not made it to the big leagues like the NHL, but you are here right in this moment and you are going to rock the socks off the this building with your amazing skill as a goalie. You know your strengths and you know the strengths of your d-men, use your knowledge to keep those bloody pucks out of your net! Who's net is it?" 

"My net!" 

"And what are you going to do?" 

"Keep pucks out and win this game!"

"Great, keep that mindset and you're going to win this game." I told slapping Brian's shoulder in encouragement. Brian grinned at me widely and before I could comprehend what was happening, I felt his lips against mine. It felt like an eternity before Brian pulled away, a smile on both our lips at what happened. 

"I got to go, but we'll talk about this after the game?" Brian asked directing to the locker room door. I nodded, but I was too much in of a daze to understand what was happening. Brian gave a nod before walking quickly into the room. I blinked a few times and came back to my senses, I just kissed Brian. I just kissed the guy I've had a crush on since I was 16 years old. Could he possibly have feelings for me like I do him? No, it was just the spare of the moment thing. He doesn't mean it. Shaking my head at the thoughts, I made my way out into the stands and sat down in my seat while I waited for the game to start.

_ _ _ _ _ 

At the end of the game, the Ice Bears winning 3-1, I made my way down to the locker room while I waited for Brian to get ready. The events that happened before the game had left my mind, but when I saw the locker room door they instantly flooded my memories again. I pushed the thoughts away and leaned against the wall facing the door while the other girlfriends and wives waited for their other half's to exit the room. When the door opened, my heart began to speed up and when I saw a sweaty Brian exited my heart began to beat even faster, if that's possible. He grinned awkwardly at me, but I didn't care. I met him half way and threw my arms around him in celebration.

"I told you, you could do it! I think you should listen to me more often now." I laughed stepping back, but Brian kept his hands on my waist.

"I couldn't have done it without you." Brian said pushing back some sweaty strands of hair that fell in front of his eyes. 

"I did the talking, you're the one who made it happen. You guys are off to the playoffs!" I exclaimed giving his shoulder a nudge, Brian smiled at it. 

"Look, about earlier." Brian started, but I cut him off.

"No need to apologize, I understand. It happened in the heat of the moment, no need to feel or be awkward about it." I told holding my hand up, but I didn't want to say them because I couldn't continue to believe he did it voluntarily. At my words Brian's face fell.

"I was going to say that I have been wanting to do that for a while actually, since we were 18. You've always been there for me when I need you and I guess tonight showed me how much you really mean to me, but if that's how you feel then we can go back to just being friends." Brian said softly, not meeting my eyes. I felt my heart beat fast again, hearing those words made me swoon almost. I grinned to myself, I had to bit my lip to stop myself from my smile growing even wider. 

"Gosh, no. I don't want to go back to being friends, I've loved you for quite some time and I just thought that it was some adrenaline rush you had or something like that. I didn't expect you to kiss me like that on your own thoughts." I told using my hand to direct Brian's head so his eyes met mine. I looked into his deeply and leaned up on my tiptoes to press a quick, but meaningful kiss against his lips. 

"You're spectacular, you know that?" Brian smiled leaning his forehead against mine when I broke the kiss. I bit my lip again to stop myself from smile growing wide. 

"It has been mentioned, once or twice. Now, can you please go shower because you stink of sweat." I said nudging him away from me.

"What? You don't like this beautiful smell?" Brian joked lifting his arm up in the air and started wafting his stench in my direction.

"Brian!" I shouted trying to sound angry, but me laughing wasn't helping my case.

"OK, I'm going. I'll see you out here in a couple of minutes?" Brian asked hopefully. 

"Of course, I can't go anywhere. No one can give me a ride, but you." I said shoving him towards the locker room door. 

"Oh, yes I know I'm the only one." He said cockily, winking at me before he slipped into the room leaving me in a blushing mess.

A/N: Potenzel I am so sorry for the extremely long wait for this! I hope you enjoy it.

Anyways, I have a few requests coming up that don't have any prompts or scenarios for them and I am struggling to think of some ideas that I can use for the imagines. If you guys have any ideas and would like to share them, I would be very grateful if you were to do that, and of course I will give you the credit for coming up with the idea.

Besides that, have a good day and I will see you with my next update.


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