53. Cuffed - Pt. 2 | requested [B.A.]

Start from the beginning

I looked back to Barry, who didn't look to thrilled either.

"This is all your fault," I breathed, staring him down.

He rolled his eyes in response. "Really, Y/N? It takes two to fight."

"But it only takes one to make someone feel awful about themselves," I argued. Barry's eyes widened at my words, his mouth hanging open slightly.

"I really make you feel awful about yourself?"

I blinked, wondering if he was serious. Wasn't that his life goal? To prove to me that I'm this stupid, reckless teenager with nothing to give to the world? I looked away, leaning against the desk without another word. I wasn't buying into another one of his potential lectures.

"Y/N... look at me." His voice was so soft, it almost sounded like he was concerned. "Y/N, come on."

I finally glanced up at him, my eyes narrowed and my heart pounding with anger. "Don't turn this into another one of your lectures, Barry! I know what you think about me already!" I swung my hand just above the desk, causing Barry's hand to fly into it with a harsh thud.

"Y/N," Barry winced, from the pain or my outburst, I don't know. "Stop it, stop it! I'm not trying to make you feel awful about yourself!" He grabbed my cuffed wrist with his free hand, holding me still.

"That's why you constantly tell me I'm wasting my life," I shot back, the sarcasm dripping from my voice, "Or why you make remarks about how I'm not as smart as you, or Cisco, or Caitlin, or anyone else! That's why you're always disappointed in me, and that's why you think I'm worthless!"

As my words bombarded Barry, his face twisted into something. He looked like he'd been wounded, and I didn't know why. It was the truth. And he knew that.

"I..." Barry started, shaking his head. "I didn't... I don't... I didn't mean to say those things to make you think you're worthless, Y/N. But I see... I was wrong."

His quiet words startled me for a moment. But only a moment. "Wrong? Really? You didn't understand what you were saying? Is that what you mean?" I rambled, poking my finger into his chest with every question.

"You are not worthless."

I stopped jabbing him, my hand dropping to my side. Had Barry really just said that to me?

"You are not worthless," he repeated, staring down at me. "Just because I don't always agree with your life choices does not make me think you're worthless, Y/N. God, Y/N, you've never been worthless to me. I am so sorry I ever made you feel that way. You mean the world to me. You always have. You're my little sister, the last living family member I have."

I breathed in sharply. "And that's why you criticize me? Because you care about me?"

Barry's free hand moved to my shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I guess I'm a bit of a too overprotective brother," he sighed, trying to smile lightly. "I just want to protect you, Y/N."

A lump formed in my throat, and I swallowed it, not wanting to get teary eyed in front of Barry. "I... care about you, too," I muttered. "And I really do wish we didn't always fight. 'Cause, I get it, you know? We only have each other. Mom and dad... they wouldn't want to see us like this."

Barry nodded, sniffling a little bit. "I'm sorry."

I finally smiled weakly, seeing as Barry's eyes began to glaze over. "Hold the water works, Bartholomew," I teased. "And, I'm sorry, too."

Next thing I knew, Barry's arm was wrapped around me as he attempted to give me an awkward handcuffed hug. I chuckled, trying my best to hug him back.

"You're absolutely annoying and I know we'll fight again," Barry sighed, "But just remember it's out of love." I laughed, nodding at Barry's words, knowing they were true.

"So," I sighed, "Can we get out of these now?" I looked to the handcuffs, but Barry just furrowed his eyebrows.

"I mean, I know we made up, but we don't have the key," Barry frowned, shrugging his shoulders.

"Or do we?" I smiled. I dragged him around the back of the desk, pulling open one of Cisco's drawers.

I rummaged through a few action figures, screwdrivers, pens, and clean napkins from Big Belly Burger before finding what I needed. I grabbed the paper clip, flattening it out on the desk. Then I brought it to the handcuffs, working on it for a few seconds before they unlocked. Our hands dropped back to our own sides.

"Should I be seriously concerned that you know how to get out of handcuffs?" Barry asked, his face etched with surprise and worry.

"Oliver taught me when he visited last time," I shrugged, laughing a bit. "He said he hoped I'd never have to use it but...." I grinned.

Barry shook his head, impressed with my work. "I'm part impressed, part upset with Oliver," he nodded, rubbing his wrist. "So, uh, you're heading off with your friends now, right?"

I smiled, shrugging my shoulders. "Or we could ditch all of our friends and grab dinner together?"

Again, Barry looked surprised. "Uh, yeah, okay. Alright." He nodded. "Let's do it." He beamed, as we headed out the door.

So apparently, handcuffs brought siblings together. Who knew?

• • • • •

author's note | and here is part two!! i don't have time to edit, so please excuse any mistakes! i will get to it later.

anyway, i hope you enjoyed this! thanks guys for all of your support! it's brought this imagines book to #587 in fanfic, which is pretty cool! have a good day!

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