Chapter 20. The Final Chapter

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No Pov.

Soon, the crystal gems showed up at the fight. They even brought Peridot and Lapis.

They were poofing many gems, but they were still outnumbered. Everyone was tired and exhausted.

Rosie was fighting a large Jasper. She was losing though. Rosie had a stab wound in her stomach and multiple large gashes littering her body. The Jasper stuck her sword in Rosie's side once again. As she fell to the ground, sparks of ice exploded everywhere.

The homeworld army fell apart. Soldiers poofed and fell to the ground. Only one group stood standing. The crystal gems.

As Rosie lay on the ground, bleeding out, one last though went through her head. I did it.

She lay there. Her eyes closing. The rising sun too bright in her losing eyes. And just like that, Rosie Quartz Universe was no more.

Wow. I can't believe it's over! I had an amazing experience writing this book. Thankyou to everyone who stayed with me the whole time. Possibly a sequel coming out.

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