Chapter 11

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Steven Pov.

I wonder where Rosie is. Hmm. Is she still outside? I'll go check I guess.
"Garnet in going to check on Rosie!" I shouted before heading outside.

Where did she go? After reaching the waves, I realized she's not here. There's an oddly shaped body mark in the sand. I noticed a trail. It leads to nowhere.

What could've happened. Wait. Where's the hand ship? Oh geez.
"Were over here." Amethyst said. Oops. Guess I passed them.

"Rosie and the hand ship is gone! It looks like she was dragged onto it but I'm not sure. Oh geez. We need to find her." I started panicking.
"Calm down Steven. We will find her don't worry."

"We still have Peridots escape pod right? We can track the ship with it." Amethyst ran off and rolled the green orb into the center of the room.

Pearl Pov.

Ok. I guess I do have to help find Rosie. I fell guilty about making her run away. I never really meant to say those things. They just...came out.

After setting up some wires and tubes I think we were ready for Garnets electricity.
"Ok ready." She shocked some of the wires and the pod turned on. There was a yellow dot. That must be where the ship is.

"Are we going to go after her?" Steven asked innocently.
"Yes we will. Ok here's the plan. We follow the ship until it reaches space. When I say ready, Pearl and Amethyst will go into the ship. You two will distract the pilot while Steven and I sneak on and find Rosie."

"Ok let's do this."

A/n yay! Two chapters in a week! This book is catching up to one of my other books! Please check out my other books! Only two have major views and the rest want glory!

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