Chapter 23

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Warning: Some might find the content of this chapter mature or sensitive so i'm putting this warning up now, just to be safe.


Akiyama Daiki was brave, to say the least.

He was born to a noble clan, situated on the northern borders of the Land of Fire, their territory dangerously close to the Uchiha and Senju lands. Surrounded by the abandoned forests of formally owned land by the Nara clan, which had migrated as far east as one could go.

His mother was kind, loving and nurturing, everything a child could wish for. His father was never in the picture, apparently he died in the war, like so many. Daiki never minded, he never knew the man. But some children often in his place felt as if they were missing someone. But his mother as such a great person, she filled in the void of his father's absent.

Instead of two parents, he had a single super parent.

She was such a valued part of his life, always supported his dreams and hopes, especially when no one else would. She wasn't a shinobi, a rare surprise amongst a clan of mighty warriors. She grew up on the rougher side of their little village, outside the Akiyama territory.

So naturally, husband-less and unsupported, his mother was forced to raise him in the same conditions. His mother wasn't a merchant, nor a nurse, or a shopkeeper. She followed in her own mother's steps, and did what she must to provide for her family.

So she sold her body.

Not the most prideful or respectful of jobs. But it put food on the table, and for that she was grateful. Daiki never knew what his mother did, when asked, she would simply smile, place a kiss atop her son's head and avoid the question entirely.

Maybe she was ashamed? Maybe she wanted to protect his innocence? Either way, Daiki never found out why his mother hid it from him. She never got the chance to.

Because at eight years-old, Akiyama Daiki opened the front door to reveal a roughed up man at his doorstep. He stunk of alcohol, a cigaret dangling from his lips and a bored look across his face at the sight of the child.

"Your mother's dead."

That was all he said, stomping off to god knows where as Daiki stood there in silence, not noticing the tears as they fell or the sun as it dropped.

He found out days later by the whispers that followed him everywhere he went, that it was his mother's profession that killed her. 

Apparently one man grew jealous when he paid her visit only to find her busy with another. Later, when he had her alone, he took out his anger on her through scrunched up fists, eventually getting what he truly wanted only after her heart gave out.

The sickly starved mother never stood a chance.

The horrified child finally discovered the term revenge as he sought after the man one night, finding him drunk and bedding another just like his mother. Daiki waited until the man's snores were loud enough before choking him in his sleep.

He was trialled for murder within a week.

Daiki found himself squeezed in a small damp cell as he waited out the verdict. Apparently the man he had choked was some well known merchant and therefore his death didn't go unnoticed.

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