4. Ironic Flowers

Start from the beginning

Then came Flora, Patsy and Eve. Each wearing a sky blue gown as they trotted down the aisle holding a bouquet of lilies.

Rikkard felt as if he would be sick if he saw another blasted flower that resembled Lillian's name in the slightest.

Edmunds eyes sparkled as he watched his beloved wife who was the maid of honour walk down the aisle. Her dress was a deep purple.

They all came to a stop and sat in the front row as everyone stood for the entrance of the bride.

Her Uncle clung onto her bare arm as she walked down the aisle focused on her feet as she tried not to stumble on the train of the dress.

However if she had looked up she would have looked up into sea green eyes full of love and affection.

However those eyes weren't the ones at the alter. The ones at the alter were a deep chocolate brown. Some may even describe him as having a ridiculous speck of beard on his chin.

Captain James Carter stood tall and proud at the alter as he watched Lillian Linton stroll down the aisle staring intently at her feet.

The happy day for him has finally come as during the majority of their two year engagement.

His eyes never strayed from Lillian's figure clad in a mermaid style pure white wedding dress. Her curves were shown in the best way and he was so happy that Lillian Linton soon to be Carter was being married to him of all men.

Another man in the audience was Rikkard Ambrose and he was not very happy with the current situation.

He had been away for the last few years and had come back two days before Lillian's wedding. He begged her not to marry Carter but alas she refused him.

Now he was waiting, waiting for the moment the priest will ask for any objections.

He listened too their vows each filled with love and affection for the other filmed with inside jokes between the couple.

He saw the love in both their eyes and felt tears welling in his own. Carter deserved her. He didn't.

"Does anyone have any objections?"

Rikkard stood silent tears rolling down his face hidden in the darkness of the trees. His voice died in his throat. This isn't what she would have wanted.

"Do you James Carter take Lillian Linton to be your lawfully wedded wife in sickness and in health to be faithful to until the day you die?" Rikkards heart broke as he smiled down at Lillian lovingly.

"I do."

"Do you Lillian Linton take James Carter to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health tonne faithful to him till the day you die?"

She smiled up at him and whispered something in his ear. They giggled and people smiled on fondly.

His heart was ripped out of his chest and crushed into a thousand million pieces.

"I do."

"You may now kiss the bride."

He watched as Carter dipped Lillian dangerously low to the ground squealing and pressed his lips ferociously to hers.

Rikkard couldn't watch as a strangled sob erupted from his body and he fell to his knees. He watched Carter pick Lillian up bridal style and waltz down the aisle both of them smiling as Rikkard retreated further into the forest.

He took the golden engagement ring he kept hung around his neck off its chain and clutched it to his chest.

It was over.

The battle for the heart of Lillian Linton wait, no, Carter was won.

For once in his life Rikkard Ambrose was the loser and he had never felt so heartbroken or ashamed.

He gripped the ring and threw it far away into the trees.

Saying goodbye to his past, his present and what should have been his future with Lillian now all of it was gone. He was alone.

Alone and heartbroken in the world where his only fire had been capture by another.

With one last look at the happy couple Rikkard walked away.

Out of Lillian Carters life forever.


( Will Edit It Later. Or ya know next year... PROCRASTINATION! )

I'm sorry I tried to not make it depressing but that's really difficult! I like writing things that are heartbreaking and depressing because not all in life is happy.

This did initially start as Lambrose marriage and then I thought wouldn't it be nice to just change it?

I hope it surprised you all! Hope is the key word there.

I think I'm gonna write an alternate ending to this chapter where Lambrose happens. I promise to try not to make it depressing. They die or they divorce or Lilly marries someone else. I realise I have only actually wrote one happy fanfiction. Oops.

Adios from a writer who is trying not to sound so depressing while writing and actually wants to write happy stuff.

And is having trouble withdrawing for Wattpad to read books on paper.

- Belle

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