t h i r t e e n

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thanks for the support, as usual. xx 

Camila's POV

Lauren had been up for hours apologizing to me when really it wasn't that big of a deal. I had already explained to Shawn what had happened. Well, I mean..

I lied to Shawn, but I couldn't tell him I had just kissed her on the lips because I wanted to. I told Shawn that we were taking a picture, and both of us just went to kiss each other's cheeks at the same time. I told Lauren it wasn't a problem and that she needed to get some sleep.

if you're sure, camz. see you tomorrow.

I shut my phone off and laid it down, it was pretty late already. Dinah and Caspar were already asleep, and Eva was left alone in the lounge area watching Finding Nemo. I stretched out in my rather spacious bunk. 

I grabbed my phone once more. 

i'm very sure, princess. can't wait x.

Without thinking, I pressed send, set the phone down, and drifted off into a deep sleep.


"Wake up, Chanch. We have plans today, remember?" Dinah practically yanked me out of my bunk and onto the floor.

"Ow!" I yelped. Dinah quickly ran off the tour bus, and I chased after her, seeking my revenge. I obviously forgot that fans stayed behind the fences almost 24/7.

"WHO'S LAUREN?!" They all started shouting.

"Oh shoot, Mila. GO BACK INSIDE!" Dinah started yelling. We both ran back into the bus and collapsed onto the floor, dying of laughter. When we finally collected ourselves, I sent out a tweet explaining the whole incident. Quickly, Dinah and I got ready and took a seat on the couch.

"So what hotel are they staying at?" Dinah asked me, not looking up from her phone.

"Let me ask." I dmed Lauren and asked her. Her response came through almost immediately. "SLS Hotel South Beach." 

"She can afford that? Her boyfriend must be rich." Dinah laughed. I shrugged it off. "Let's get going then. Ask her what they want from Starbucks, I'm craving caffeine." 


After getting the coffee, Dinah drove us to Normani and Lauren's hotel. 

"I'll stay in the car. You go get them." Dinah smiled, "It's raining! I worked hard on this hair."

"Whatever," I giggled, "I'll be back." 

I got out of the car and walked in, found the elevator, and went up to the 6th floor. "619, 619,619." I kept whispering to myself until I found the room. I knocked on the door a few times before I heard the music inside stop and footsteps leading to the door.

"Hello?? Oh hi Camila!!" Normani smiled and opened the door fully.

"NORMANI!" Lauren yelled from the other side of the room, quickly wrapping a blanket around her mostly uncovered body.

"Oh." Normani closed the door on me. I chuckled quietly to myself. The door opened again, "Sorry."

"It's okay. Can I come in now?" I grinned. The brown eyed girl simply nodded, opening the door fully. I stepped into the very messy hotel room. It was big, and nice, very nice.

"Lauren's almost ready." Normani smiled. 

"Okay, no rush." I laughed as my phone started ringing. It was Dinah.


"What's taking so long?"

"Lauren isn't ready."

"So we're gonna be late?"

Normani looked up at me, "Late?"

"We're going to see a dolphin show at the zoo." I laughed. Normani's eyes lit up as if she were a kid who was just told they were going to Disney World.

"We'll be out soon." I laughed and hung up. Lauren opened the bathroom door and stepped out.

"I'm ready." She smirked. I tried my best to keep my jaw from dropping. She had her hair pulled back, a black crop top on, and some high wasted jeans. "Lets go, don't want to be later than we already are."


We arrived at the zoo and got out of the car. Lauren and Dinah walked in front of Normani and me, and if I'm not lying, I had a hard time keeping my eyes on the animals. I must have not been doing a very good job at hiding it because every time I even glanced down, Normani let out a small laugh.

Finally, she smiled, "Looks like you've got a crush."

"A what?"

"A crush."

"On.... Shawn?" I laughed.

"Well, I was thinking maybe on Lauren?" She smirked.

"Oh, haha," I laughed, "I'm straight."

"As straight as a circle." She mumbled. I punched her arm playfully. We caught up to Dinah and Lauren and entered the building for the dolphin show. Lauren and I sat in the middle of Dinah and Normani. We were sat in the first row.

"Hello everyone! Welcome to The Miami Zoo dolphin show! During this show we ask that you remain in your seats unless asked otherwise. Please do not get too loud, we don't want our animals getting scared! 1-5 rows are in the splash zone! Have fun, and enjoy the show."


Dinah, Lauren, and I walked out of the show practically swimming in our clothes because of how wet we had gotten. Normani on the other hand, was completely dry. We dried off and looked at some of the animals before leaving. The day had gone so well. None of us wanted it to end, but that's sadly what it was coming to.

We were heading back to Lauren and Mani's hotel where we were going to hang out for like 20 minutes and then leave. We had gotten so their hotel room, "Do you guys want to stay for a movie?"

"Oh I-" I started.

"We'd love too! Do you guys have Mean Girls?" Normani and Dinah started talking about the movie.

"Sorry about Mani. She's just really excited about Dinah." Lauren flashed that big, bright smile of hers. 

"It's okay, I get it. Dinah is pretty fabulous." 

"Yeah, she is." Lauren laughed, "You can sit here." 

She patted what I assumed was her bed since Dinah and Normani had already taken seats on the other bed. The movie started playing, and I quickly found myself easing into the bed. Drifting into sleep almost instantly. 

I felt two arms cover my body, and I fell asleep.

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