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Camila's POV

It was time to get ready, and I still hadn't gotten a reply from Lauren. I quickly brushed my teeth and flossed. I walked into the small, compact back room with Dinah and we searched for a decent outfit. I decided on a red tee shirt, and some faded blue jeans with holes in the legs. Dinah chose a white tank-top and an Adidas wind breaker to go over it, also some black leggings. When we were ready for makeup, we walked out of the bus, and into the arena. Backstage, several staff members were preparing for the show. Eva and Caspar were getting their makeup done, Dinah and I joined them in the already prepared chairs. 15 minutes later, Dinah and I were both looking decent.

It was around 11:30 am. The show started soon, four o'clock to seven o'clock. Then the meet up was 7:30-10:00. I walked back to the tour bus alone to grab my phone before soundcheck. I checked to see if Lauren had messaged me back.

She did.

from: @LaurenJauregui1
hey! sorry, i was with normani, we were facetiming zayn lolol. i'm really really really
excited to see you too, camzzi :~))

Zayn? Who was Zayn? I had thought I remembered her saying she had a boyfriend named Zayn who was actually the one who bought her the tickets. Why was I feeling the the way I did yesterday with Caspar and his new girlfriend? Maybe I'm just looking for an excuse to stay.


I read it over a few more times, and then I set my phone down. I heard a loud, feminine voice coming from outside "Clique to the venue! Sound check!" I walked off of the bus and saw Dinah and Eva. I jogged suddenly to catch up to them.

"Hey, Mila. Where were you?" Dinah smirked, "With Caspar on the bus?"

I rolled my eyes quickly, "Gross. No." My eyes wandered to the tour bus, and I saw Caspar getting off. My mind wondered what he had been doing in there, because he was being very silent. Dinah shrugged, and we all kept walking.

We had been just jumping around the roomy stage and speaking nonsense into the microphones for awhile. It was easy to lose track of time on stage with them. We would have fun acting like people were there watching when we knew there wasn't. The staff came out, and told us that all the mics were set up and the speakers were all good. Now we could go relax for about an hour. Dinah and I usually warmed our voices up because we were talking a lot, and during the show we sing a funny song. Dinah and I did a few warm ups, and then decided to rest our voices for a bit.

After resting for around an hour, it was 2:30. The nerves were officially starting to kick in, for all of us. Dinah kept checking her hair in the mirror, Eva kept fiddling with her hands, and Caspar was checking his phone on loop; it seemed as if every single time he set it down, it was somehow in his hands again 2 seconds later. I couldn't help but think of Shawn. He goes up in front of crowds 10 times bigger than ours every single night, and he expects me to go up with him soon enough. How will I be able to do that if I can barely even be in front of our own audiences.

"Hey. You ready?" I looked up and met Dinah's sincere eyes. "You look nervous. Don't worry, I am too. First show."

"Yeah, yeah. I'm a little nervous, but I'm excited too." Her careful face turned into a wide smirk, and she said, "I have a surprise for you."

"Huh? What do you mean a surprise?" I asked.

"One of the fans gave me it, they told me to give it to you if you got nervous." She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the back of the bus. She quickly dug through her bags, her face was full of concentration.

"CheeChee?" I giggled. Her eyebrows furrowed, but quickly rose as her mouth began to open.

"Oh! Found it. Okay close your eyes." She instructed. I closed my eyes, "Open your hands out."

I put my hands out and felt her set something soft in them.


I opened my eyes and saw a teddy bear with the words 'The Clique' stitched into the chest. The bear was holding a heart, and stitched into the heart were the words 'for Camila.'

"Dinah this is.." I paused and brought the stuffed bear closer to my chest, holding it tightly. "This is amazing. Who gave you it?"

"Uhh, I think her name was Lauren, but I can't remember."


It was showtime, and I could hear the chanting fans screaming for us; "CLIQUE! CLIQUE! CLIQUE!" Caspar was in the back room getting a case of water for us and for any fans who might need them. Dinah, Eva, and I had been waiting for quite some time now. The show started in 15 minutes, and we seriously did not have time to be waiting on him.

"Can someone please go see what's taking him so long?!" Dinah asked obviously aggravated.

"I will." I said as I started making my way to the back room. I opened the door, and looked down at the water bottles scattered everywhere. "Caspar what the hell is going on-"

I looked up and met his gaze, and one of our managers gaze too.

"Caspar what the hell?!" I yelled louder. "The show starts in like 10 minutes, and you're back here sucking face? Come on pick this shit up; we need to hurry. You can explain later, right now I don't want to hear it." Caspar didn't say anything, but just nodded. I was pissed, but I couldn't show it. I followed him out into the main room.

"You guys can head out in 3,2,1." One of our stage directors said. I walked out first, followed by Dinah, Caspar, and finally Eva. I was carrying my bear. The room was pitch black. I found my seat and sat down. I heard the words coming through my ear, "ready? and let's go."

The lights kicked on, and the screaming grew louder than I was ready for.

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