t w e l v e

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heLLo you guys are rEADING THIS BOOK SO MUCH I LOVE EVERYONE. just wanted to say thx and i lub you all <333 xx.

Lauren's POV

The show was over. My feet and ears hurt, but it was all worth it. "Come on! We have to go change for the meetup!!" Normani yelled into my ear.

"Huh?" I yelled back.

"I said-"

"No I heard what you said. We're changing?" I asked. Normani nodded her head, grabbed my hand, and we exited the venue. While we were walking to the car, we saw the Clique walking onto their tour bus. Immediately, a bunch of fans around me starting screaming and yelling their names, including Normani. Camila and the rest of the Clique disappeared into the bus, and the screaming stopped. Normani and I started walking to the car again.

"You didn't seem super shocked that our favorite people ever were literally feet in front of us tonight." Normani questioned, raising one of her eyebrows.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Camila speaks to me like we're friends now. I mean she even messaged me on Twitter today. It's like we've known each other for awhile. I don't want to just be a fan to her, I want to be her friend."

"Friend, huh?" Normani bumped my shoulder and smirked.

I laughed, "Yes, Normani. Friends. I have a boyfriend and so does she."

"Oh, yeah. I forgot about Shawn and Zayn." She said as we reached the car. I unlocked the doors, and soon, we were at the hotel room we had rented. We quickly switched outfits. We were still dressed casually but a bit more formal now. It was 7:15, we had 15 minutes to get to the meet up. Normani and I got into the car and quickly drove to the building where the meet up was being held.

We entered the big red building and were put into a line. We weren't that far away from the room that the line led into, but the line was moving slowly.

"What's the line for?" Mani asked.

"I think it's the meet and greet pictures." I shrugged. I didn't know honestly, but that's what I was hoping it was. Normani and I had decided not to plan a photo, and instead just choose when we were there.


It was our turn to take a picture with the Clique. After being patted down by several security guards, we were allowed to enter the room. As I entered I heard Troye Sivan's album being played over speakers.

"Hi girls!" Caspar greeted. The other members were speaking with some security, but they quickly joined us.

"Lauren!" Camila smiled with open arms. I quickly invited myself into them and hugged her, a feeling I had longed for for so long. She pulled away quickly, but she firmly held my shoulders still. "How are you babe?"

I smiled as she started rubbing the side of my arm, her eyes locked with mine. "I'm fine. Today's been..awesome."

"Good." She hugged me again, and then she was quick to meet with Normani. Dinah said hi and we spoke. Caspar and Eva also introduced themselves at the same time.

"Okay. Any certain poses you guys have in mind?" Dinah smiled.

Normani piped up, "Actually we were just planning on choosing right now."

They all nodded. We ended up standing in this order: Caspar, Dinah, Normani, Eva, Me, Camila. Caspar was laying on the ground smiling, Dinah and Normani were doing an eskimo kiss, Eva was squatting with her jaw open and staring at Mani and Dinah. Camila had her arm wrapped around me, she was kissing my forehead, and her other hand was locked onto my jaw. The whole moment felt so surreal. The smaller girl was somewhat on her tip-toes because I was a few inches taller than her.

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