f i v e

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Thank you guys so so much for 1k reads. It means so much to me. I was going to discontinue this story, but it seems like you guys want more. So here it is. Since summer is finally here, I'll try my best to update more often.


Lauren's POV

Camila Cabello called me pumpkin.


"Lauren! Zayn's here!" I hear my dad call from downstairs. My boyfriend of now 2 years is taking me out tonight..

I haven't seen him in awhile, since he lives a few cities away. I've really fucking missed him.. He's practically all I have..

"Lolo?" I hear Zayn's voice from outside of the door.

"Come in, Zayn."

"Babe!" He grabs me up quick and spins me around. "I've missed you so much, Lauren."

I lean in and give him a quick kiss, "Ahem. You two are so sick."

We turn to see my brother and father standing there.

"Shut up, Chris. Have her home by 10, Zayn. You two have fun."

I wave goodbye to my dad and walk out with Zayn. Zayn and I walk to the car in silence, he opens the door for me and then gets in.

"Come here, babe." He leans in and gives me a big kiss. "You look.. stunning."

I blush furiously, "Thank you, Zaynie. You've never looked so handsome." He reverses the car and we pull out. When we get onto the open road, he grabs my hand. "So, dinner? Afterwards, we can hang out at my house."

"Zayn," I smirk, "you live 30 minutes away."

"Well, do you want to?"

"Of course I want to, I just don't know."

"Well, think about it."

"I will." I squeeze his hand. Zayn lets go and turns on the radio, then he grabs my hand again.

"I love this song." Zayn smiles and sings along. It's Shawn Mendes' 'Treat You Better.'

"Eh, it's okay." I smile. Zayn knows I watch Camila's videos and how obsessed I am with her, but he doesn't research her or shit so.

Zayn's phone buzzes, "Could you check who that is, baby?"

I release his hand and grab his phone. It's his mom; 'You left Lauren's gift here.'

"Zayn!" I playfully slap his arm, "You got me a gift? I didn't get you anything. I'm sorry."

"Don't be, your company is gift enough. How do you know I got you a gift?" He grabbed his phone.

"Your mom said you left it at your house."

"Dammit! Lolo, do you mind if we just hang out at my house?"

I glance at my phone, 5:32.

"Sure.. Why not?" I smile. Zayn turns the car around and starts driving in a different direction.


As we pull up to his house, he tells me, "If my mom seems a little bitchy, it's because my sisters have been acting really shitty lately. Sorry."

"It's okay!" I smile and get out of the car. What gift did he get me? My mind is full of random thoughts. I've not told him about anything I could've wanted, so what did he get me? I really hope it's not expensive. I feel shitty enough not getting him a gift. Now I feel like- BUZZ!

I glance down at my phone. Mani.

'Watch Camila's new video...now. :'('

Instantly, a thousand thoughts flood into my mind. I think of the other day when I could tell that she was very very upset, but about what?

But I can't watch the video. I'm with Zayn. I've not been with him in forever. Live in the moment, Lauren. You can watch the video when you get home.


Around 8:30, Zayn and I were sitting on his bed talking.

"Babe, I have to go soon."

"I'm gonna miss you, baby." He leaned in and pushed his soft lips against mine. Gently, but quickly our lips smashed together. Zayn used to be the worst kisser, but not anymore.

He was suddenly pushing me down so that he was on top of me. Not once, did our lips break apart. His tongue begged for entrance, which I allowed. He broke the kiss, and started kissing his way to my collarbones, which he began to suck on.

Waliyha walked in. Zayn and I both turned our heads quickly. Zayn jumped up, "Get out of my room! Can't you knock?! Oh my goodnes..."

I checked my phone, not worried. Zayn's sisters are really chill, so I knew she wouldn't tell.

"Zayn it's 8:45, we have to go."

"Dammit. Okay, well let me give you your present." Zayn walked over to his closet and grabbed a blue box with a pink bow.

"Before you open this, just don't freak out too much."

Suddenly, I started to worry. He's not asking me to marry him, is he?!

I nodded, and quickly opened the box. Inside were two meet and greet tickets to a 'Clique' show.


My heart started racing, and I felt like a puppy who hasn't seen their owner in 3 years, meeting their owner again. I started to cry, and crashed into Zayn with the biggest hug I'd ever given anyone. "Zayn! I don't know how I could ever repay you! I-I love you so much!"

"It's okay, baby. Really. But for real, we have to get going. Let's go, Lolo."


That night I sent Mani a text, telling her I had a surprise for her, and I watched Camila's new video.

Suddenly, everything that had just happened, shattered.

C o m p l e t e l y

O b l i t e r a t e d .

This was Camila's last tour with the Clique.

This was Camila's goodbye.

This was Camila's last video ever to be posted to YouTube.

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