t h r e e

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HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE HYPE. Also, I wanted to let everyone know, I don't have a problem w/ Shawn I actually love him and his music! I think him and Camila are good friends, I just didn't want Austin to be her boyfriend in this story.
I'm really excited for this chapter and yeah.
K, les go!

Camila's POV

"Let's go get some cotton candy, babe." Shawn smiles as we intersect our fingers and Dinah follows.

"Okay." I smile. After making a ton of stressful videos, Shawn invited Dinah and me here to, get a break. We walk with security guards, we all have fans here.

"You not cute." Dinah says as she karate chops our hands, breaking them apart.

"Oh Dinah." Shawn laughs. Oh god, I love his smile. It's like seriously the cutest thing I've ever seen.

"We have to go soon so I can upload my vlog." I say and Dinah agrees because she makes videos too.

"Camila, we came here to get a break. A break from tour, videos, everything. Just chill out." Shawn comforts, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"She's right. They close soon, bah Falicia!" Dinah laughs.

"Okay, we'll get some cotton candy and then leave. Deal, baby?" He says, kissing my cheek.

"Of course, baby." I smile, looking up at him.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Dinah Jane laughs.

We come up to the concession stand and the girl running it says, "Hello," but then she looks up. "Oh my god! Shawn Mendes, mARRY ME! PLEASE SIGN THIS." She says getting out a peace of paper from a tab she must've had under her desk.

"Ew, why'd you bring Camila?" The girl says, suddenly noticing me.

"She's my girlfriend." He laughs while signing the sheet. "I love you but you can't be rude to her, thanks. Two orders of cotton candy, please."

He hands back the sheet and the girl takes it, nods, and goes to the back to make cotton candy.

She suddenly seems, uhm, not so into him because he defended me. She gets over it and hands us our cotton candy.

"Goodbye Shawn! I love you so so much."

"I love you too, hun! Bye!" He smiles and walks away. "She was kinda, bitchy."

"Shawn!" I say teasingly and smack his shoulder.


We drop Dinah off and Shawn drives to our apartment.

"You know, tomorrow's my last day for my break." Shawn smiles as I'm editing on my laptop.

"Yeah, I know." I say, not really wanting to talk to anyone because I really want to get this video up.

"You know you're always glued to that thing. Sometimes I just want to throw your stupid laptop out the window."

"Okay, Mendes. Do it and pay for it." I snicker.

"You're getting it when we get home, missy. Just joking, I know you're not ready" He sighs. We drive down the state all the way back to Miami. We sing songs, tell jokes, and share laughs while passing time. When we get home it seems super quick.

I wish Dinah didn't live in Orlando, otherwise she'd practically live with me. When he pulls up I get out of the car and go inside.

I go into our room and set down my computer, which I then follow up with getting in the bath.

I soak in it, trying to take the soreness from my body away. Walking around all day did/didn't do my body good. I hum the latest One Direction song, 'History,' it's honestly so great. I love them.

The door opens and I hear Shawn say, "Hey, sorry. I just need to brush my teeth."

"Okay. It's fine."

"I wish you'd let me get in with you, Camila."

"Shawn, I'm just not ready."

"We live together, and you won't let me touch you."

"I live here. You stay when your in town or on break. I'm just not ready yet, I'm sorry."

"Whatever, Camila." I hear him start brushing his teeth. Finally, he walks out and I peak my head out of the curtain. I put my playlist on shuffle and the first song that comes on is 'Ride' by Twenty One Pilots.


I wrap myself in a towel and go into our room. Shawn is laying there in his boxers watching Netflix.

"Damn, babe." He says, looking me up and down.

"Oh, shut up." I smile. I get my pajamas on and pull out my laptop. I take my place on the bed, sitting next to Shawn.

"What're ya 'doin?" His Canadian accent shining through.

"Just uploading this vlog."

"Oh, cool. How long should that take?"

"Around, maybe thirty minutes."

"Oh, so do you want to watch this episode of The Walking Dead with me?"

"You know I hate how gory that show is, I'll just read."

"Tomorrow I leave at noon. The only thing we've done together is gone to Disney Land. I feel like somethings wrong. What's going on?"

"Nothing, Shawn. I'm fine." I say coming off a little more aggressive than I should be.

"Alright, alright. Wanna watch something else?"

"Sure, I guess." I feel bad for lying to him about how I feel. Yes, everything is wrong. He just can't know that.

No one knows that.


The next day I wake up really early, 6:30, and I can't go back to sleep. To pass the time I go to my recent video and read  the comments.

I start at the beginning.

Parker Shellton: looks like fun. love you girl!

I reply: oh it was! love you too, parker!



Rad Randy: Dinah looks so bored, ok literally me! lol

Me: ikr, her third wheeling level is like over 10 million

Lauren Jauregui: Camila is so cute in this video I'm sad ):

Me: Not as cute as you, pumpkin!

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