583 15 5

March 21
(Day one) 11:09pm

I followed behind him, feeling goosebumps appear all over my body, giving me the hint this wasn't going to be a good idea.

I know we need the guns and all to be safe, and to save Beth and Nash, but what if there is somebody in there with a Machine gun ready to kill us the very moment we step foot into the store.

What if they kidnap us and torture us for a whole ten days and kill us at the very last moment? Aw man that would be awful, I can't let that happen, I have Beth to save, and I can't let her down, I made a promise to her that we would be fine, she would be fine.

I will keep that promise, and I will never break it, ever. I will go through hell if that means I need to keep it. I will fight my way, just for her. For us.

I pulled on Cameron's arm before he can open the door and gave him a look. He raised his eyebrow and rolled his eyes as he noticed I wanted him to pull out his gun just in case anything were to happen.

"Fine, but I'm sure we don't need it" he pulled his gun out of his pants, pointing  it towards the door. I bit my lip and took a step behind him so he was in front of me. "Gotta be safe on the purge"

He chuckled softly, shaking his head a bit while staring at the door in front of him. I could tell he wasn't scared or bothered by any of this at all. It was like this was all normal for him.

I would like to ask him questions, and I have a lot that I want to ask. I just don't feel like it's the good time or moment. Oh what am i saying of course it's the right moment, I might die right now and I wouldn't even have the chance to ask any of it .

But at the same time I'm standing in front of a gun shop, ready to walk in and probably be shot multiple times with a pistol, machine gun, or even blown up by a grenade.

Just the thought of that makes me want to take up 5 minutes of our time just to talk about it. But I know the more time we waste, the more Beth will have less time of survival.

Before I could even blink, Cameron swung the doors opened and pointed the gun everywhere around the room.

I closed my eyes and sighed softly in relief, and walked into the store behind him. It looks like a lot of people already Been here since half of the stuff are missing.

Guess we weren't the only ones who actually thought about getting guns and bullets on purge nights.

"Don't just look around like a loss puppy, grab guns and bullets and put it in that bag of yours"  Cameron snapped me out of my gaze with a loud mutter.

I nodded my head while rolling my eyes. I placed my bag on the
Counter, and jumped over to the other side.

Luckily I still have plenty of room to put the guns and stuff. If I didn't that would've been awful.

I opened up the bag quickly, grabbing all the different kinds of guns and placing it into the bag. Cameron on the other hand was filling the bag with bullets and grenades.

"Are the grenades necessary?" I questioned. "What if it explodes in the bag and kills Me? Then what all this and saving my best friend would be for nothing because I would be dead"

He chuckled while zipping up the bag and swinging it across his shoulders. "Don't worry, I got it. You really thought I would trust you with all this? Yea really funny"

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