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"Uh, yeah," he answered. You smiled at him big. It took him a while to know where you were going with the whole idea, and then he gasped and smiled back. You giggled to yourself.

When you got off, you took a taxi to the center to get there faster. You were so excited!!

"We're gonna become parents!" You whispered squeezing Jack's hand. Jack squeezed your hand back and turned your hand around to admire your engagement ring. You smiled and blinked back your tears.

You were there relatively fast so Jack tipped the driver. You walked over to the entrance and noticed you were speed walking when you heard Jack running to catch up with you.

*Disclaimer: I've never been to an adoption center before so I'm sorry if some parts sound like they're in a dog pound or something. I based it off of the movies I've seen (mostly Annie) so don't hate me plz :(

"Hi, how are you two doing today?" The lady at the counter asked. She had red frizzy hair and looked like a cross between Ms. Frizzle and Effie Trinket.

"We're great!" you said trying to catch your breath. Jack started to cough. The lady motioned to a water fountain for Jack to get a drink. She pulled out a huge folder.

"Great!! So let's just look through the list and see if we have any girls here that would tickle your fancy!" she giggled in a high pitched tone and turned to the first page. Girls? Huh, I guess this was a Girl's adoption center, you thought.

"Okay! So the first one's name is Lili. She's only three years old so she'll need some extra care, including the fact that she was separated from her brother and her parents were in a fire. She also cries a lot." You looked back to see Jack's intrigued expression

"That's sad, but I think maybe someone a little older so we don't mess her up." The main reason you though adoption would be better was so you didn't screw up while taking care of the baby at a young age.

"N'not that we would..." Jack adds, speaking for you. You laugh at him.

"Well, this girl right here, her name is Pepper. She's 13 and because she's a teen, she can get a little 'angsty'. She complains a lot and is always to herself about a lot of things, but that might be because she wants to hide her fear. She gets bullied a lot by the younger kids, ironically, because she's so much older yet has no parents. She's pretty much lost hope of finding parents who will love her now." The lady's voice cracked a bit. 

"Why do all of these have to be so sad?!" Jack said, his eyes started to water. You patted his back as he walked out to calm down.

"Can we see one more?"

"Sure. You have the option of naming her since she actually has no name. She's five years old and loves being around people. She has such a pure heart and a bright future ahead of her, if it weren't for the other kids trying to corrupt her mind with negativity. She's the only one who ever seems to think positive anymore and I would hate to see her parent-less for longer than she has to..."

"I think we'll take her,"

"You will?"

"Of course! Oh my gosh I can't wait to tell Jack the good news!!!" 

The Perfect Shipment (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now