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"If it's okay with you, I'd like to just do a vlog with you..."

"Okay that's fine! We can do the say anything challenge." Jack says. You've heard about it before. You have to take turns literally saying anything and if you stutter or can't think of anything, the other person gets to put tape on your face. "I'll start the recording."

"TOPPA DA MORNIN' TO YA LADDIES! My name is Jacksepticeye and I'm here with (y/n). Say hello to the camera!"

"Hi to the camera!!!" you said with a goofy smile. "If you didn't see, I did the *whapish* with you,"

"Oh I saw it." He looked back at the camera. "So today we're gonna be doing the say anything challenge where basically we have to take turns SAYING ANYTHING, and if the other person messes up, you get to put tape on the other person." You both hold up the rolls of tape in your hands. "So how do you think you're gonna do?"

"I think by the end there's gonna be tape all over your face!!"

"Okay you know what, because of your egotistical confidence, I'm gonna have you go first."

"Okay..." the game starts. "Pumpernickel."

"Wait what?" Jack stutters.

"Ha! You lost on the first word!!" you yell.

"What a bizarre word to start with, 'pumpernickel'," he states as you put tape along the bridge of his nose making his nostrils stick up.

"You look like Jay Versace." (if you know who that is then you're my best friend :))


"Let's just keep going." The game started again.








"Ha! You lose, I already said that!" you yell in triumph doing a little dance.

"You douche,"

"It's not my fault you're bad at this game." You smirked.

~Time skip to after game~

After the game, Jack had five pieces of tape on his face and you had only two. He did his outro and ended the recording.

"Sigh. I'm tired from laughing." you say slumping into your chair.

"Well, then I guess it's time for me to laugh," Jack throws a red ball at your face the second you turn around.

"What's this?"

"SHOOT! My bad. I had a bunch of balls in my closet and just decided to get them out and play with them because 'I love balls!'" Jack said in a high voice like he used to do in Happy Wheels. You picked up a blue one and threw it at his thigh and a green one at his forehead. "I said I was sorry!"

"Oh it's on." You grinned. Jack picked up a purple ball and you picked up a yellow one (I'm really good at naming colors if you didn't notice XD) He threw his at your stomach and you threw yours hitting him on the lips.

"Ow, I gotta boo-boo!" Jack said in a baby voice.

"Aw, c'mere let me see," you walked over to him and acted like you were gonna kiss it better until you picked up the blue ball on the ground and climbed on his back hitting his head several times. "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" Jack yelled. He fell back first on to the couch causing you to loose your grip. You started laughing.

"Well, I'm gonna upload the video." Jack said walking to the room.

"Payback's a bitch." You laughed picking up all the balls. 

~Time skip to later that evening~

You were scrolling through YouTube laying on the couch that night with your head resting in Jack's lap. He was on his laptop answering some emails.

You saw the video you guys did from before and watched it. At the end you noticed the ball scene.

"Uh, Jack?"

"Yeah babe?"

"I think you may have forgotten to edit this part out," you said holding the phone to his face. He turned pale and snatched the phone. "What do the comments say?" he asked. He read them aloud.

"I ship it!!!!1!!1!1"

"You guys are so cute."

"You two should totally go out."

"Are they dating?"

You slumped into your seat remembering that Jack had never told your viewers that you two were bf gf. You frowned.

"Aww." Jack kissed your forehead. "Don't worry babe. Nothing's gonna happen," Jack stood up giving you your phone and closing his laptop. You both started getting ready for bed.

The Perfect Shipment (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now