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You decided to go to the toy store across the street to look for the rest of the collection that you had seen in his room. According to Jack in one of his videos, there was only three left in the collection and you were determined to find them. You knew it would make him happy to see them on his shelf.

It was easy getting there, and fast. You walked in to the faint smell of broken cinnamon as you smiled. You looked over to see a couple toddlers running around with their mom close behind. You giggled to yourself as you walked to the isle where you thought the rest of the collection might be.

Sure enough, it was right there at the top shelf. You skimmed through all the common ones that Jack already had and kept looking till you got to the end. You hand found one of the figurines he had been missing, but the other two were yet to be found. You sighed and shrugged it off, knowing that you were lucky to find one of them anyway and Jack would still appreciate you finding one.

That's when you noticed a five-year-old girl sitting on the floor next to you crying.

"What's wrong?" you asked. You hated it when little kids cried, but not in an annoying way.

"I can't find my mommy!" she whined.

"Well don't worry she'll turn up. Can you tell me what she looked like?"

"She has long dark hair, and red lipstick on, and a mole on the side of her face."

"Do you know her first name?"

"Ashley..." she sniffed "But I just call her Mommy"

"Alright, well, let's walk to the front counter and see if the cashier can call her up." She nodded as you helped her up and walked her to the front desk.

"Don't worry, this happens all the time." The manager explained after you told him about the little girl. "ASHLEY TO THE FRONT DESK AGAIN, ASHLEY TO THE FRONT DESK PLEASE." The intercom spoke, and not even a minute later, Ashley showed up.

"There you are Nikki! That's the last time I leave you from my side at this store again!" she picked up her daughter and thanked me. She handed you a dollar but you rejected. After she offered it again, you found it would be rude of you to reject a reward. All of you walked out of the store after you had bagged the thing you got, and you went your separate ways.

As you were walking, you noticed you phone start to buzz. You answer it without checking and realize it's your aunt from Britain when you hear her semi-British accent.

"Hello darling!" she said, her voice only sounding slightly British. "I heard from (whoever you told) that you had a one night stand with a boy friend of yours. Is this true?" you tried to explain that it wasn't on purpose and that you were really sorry.

"Oh nonsense darling! Please, you have to tell me more about it. And bring your man friend along with you to Britain. It's been far to long since I've last seen you and we have a lot of catching up to do! Unless of course you want to go to LA, or (parents place) where you grew up. Wherever you go, I'll be there. Take some time to think about it and call me later. Pip pip, cheerio!!" (sry about the last part XD)

You didn't know Jack that well. You didn't even know if he'd agree since he barely knew you and was a little mad at you at the moment. You sighed and decided to just go back to the apartment to find out.

The Perfect Shipment (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz