Chapter 12

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The day after you two got engaged, you decided you to record a video of you two playing a game and sharing the news.

"Top of the morning to ya laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye and I'm here again with (y/n) to share some exciting news. So recently we have gotten engaged so not only were you guys right on predicting that (y/n) was my girlfriend, but now she is my fiance." You both showed your rings to the screen. "Okay, now that that sappy crap is over with, let's play The Game of Life!" you both were gonna take turns playing the game with the one controller.

The first stage was when you had to be born.

"C'mon you gotta push (y/n) PUSH!!" Jack called out. You failed on the first level. Jack took the controller from you. "Let me show you how a man does it." He beat the level.

"I didn't know guys could have babies." You laughed.

Another level was you having to take care of your grandchildren my swiping to keep them away from hazards.

"Aah!! This is way to hard!" Jack jumped up and sat back down.

"Jack calm down, let me show you." You finished the level with ease. You smirked at him. "All you gotta do is when you swipe, you gotta swipe all the way to the edge of the screen, that way you have more time to look at the other kids."

Some other level was you and Jack having to dress up for your wedding. Jack took to much time explaining things, and lost time. "Okay (y/n) this is gonna be our big day, we gotta make each moment count by getting our character the perfect outfit for our wedd--" you played along with the joke and pretended to be the only one aware with the time at the top of the screen. You laughed. "Oh well, we can try again." he restarted the level. "What do you think our lovely character should wear?"

"I like the idea of a Fred Flinstone theme wedding." You joke. Jack drags the caveman outfit to the character.


"No shoes." He pressed continue. The 'game over' screen came up and you both threw your hands in the air.

"Oh c'mon! We should have beat that one!" Jack joked.

"I know right. People just can't see a good wedding dress when they see one!"

"Exactly." You kissed his cheek. "You missed." he grinned kissing you on the lips. It was a short one so no one could complain about PDA in the video. You continued the game with Jack until the game ended.

"Okay guys, that was the end of The Game of Life. (y/n), what do you think you learned from this game?"

"I learned, not to have birth defects, or cheap weddings, or suckish grandchildren, or have to take pills when you're older or else you'll DIE." You said in a jokish tone making your voice sound higher. You smiled.

"You heard it here first kids!" Jack teased. You both laughed. You did Jack's outro with him at the same time and Jack ended the video making sure to press the button. You laughed to yourself again. You loved the way you Jack joked in front of the camera all the time.

~Time skip to the day before the wedding~

There was a lot of pressure on you and Jack today and tomorrow. Tomorrow would be your wedding day. You had only arrived yesterday and half your stuff wasn't even unpacked yet. You were in (place you went with Jack) because that's the first time your parents met Jack. You had been to flower boutiques and wedding dress stores all over (place) and it was really stressing you out. I mean, who cared what color flowers you were holding or how tight the dress made your waist looked. You thought the days leading up to your wedding day would make you happy, but instead, you felt miserable. You started to cry. You didn't care that it messed up your mascara. You hadn't had a place to sit down at all today and it was night. You hadn't seen Jack for more than five minutes today. Just then, he walked in. Speak of the devil...

"Baby! What's wrong?" he asked putting you in a warm embrace.

"I-I-I-I-I..." Jack cocked his head with a worried look plastered across his face. Your mouth was full of spit and you couldn't talk. "T-this whole thing is stressing me out! I t-thought today was gonna be happy, and that we could have fun while being in (place) but I'm so stressed out I don't know what to do!!!" you were shaking violently. Not even Jack's touch could calm you down. It made you sad to see Jack see you like this, your tears stopped falling. Jack took the veil out of your face.

"Baby, everything's gonna be alright. Come sit next to me." He sat you on the bed. "It'll all be over soon. It's all in your head. At least now you know that nothing bad could happen because of how planned out this is..." you smiled. He always knew just what to say. He helped you with the strings on the back of your dress. He was in the room with you while you took off your dress and he saw you in your bra and panties but this time it didn't faze you.

"I mean seriously, the guys made us have a whole debate on whether or not the waiters should be wearing white or black gloves. They're just gloves!!" you laughed. You chatted for a little while and then got into bed with Jack and cuddled with him.

~Time skip to the next day~

Your parents and your aunt were with you in the backroom. Your mom was crying and your dad was shaking. You've never seen him so anxious before. Felicia/Ashley (whoever you met. If you met both, they're both your bridesmaids. If you've met neither, (f/n) is your bridesmaid.) You walked up to him and gave him a little pep talk. He breathed in and you locked arms with him. You started to walk down the aisle.

Your eyes started to water and so did your dad's. You however, shed a tear as you saw all the people you knew and loved. At the front row you saw Jackson and Jake (unless you don't know them then it's Jack's parents) who waved at you when they saw you. You walked up to the stage. Your dad waved to you as he shed a tear and walked off.

"Do you, Sean McLoughlin, take (f/l/n) to be your lovely wedded wife?" the pastor started.

"I do." Jack's voice cracked

"And do you, (f/l/n), take Sean McLoughlin to be your lovely wedded husband?"

"I do."

"Now it's time for the wedding vows..."

Jack started. "(y/n), I loved you ever since the day I laid eyes on you. When we locked eyes, I knew you were just the one. Ever since that day you were stuck in my head and never came back out. I promise you will always be the center of my life. You will always be my first thought of my day. You will always be the one I go to for love. You will always be mine forever. I love you." Jack's mom started to cry. (tears of joy obviously) You said your wedding vows.

"And now it's time for the rings." Jake came up and handed you and Jack the rings. He flashed you a smile before returning to his seat. He fist bumped Jackson.

"With this ring, I deem wed." You said simultaneously.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Everyone started screaming, yelling, and clapping as sparks flew into the kiss. The kiss you shared will never be forgotten. You loved Jack and he loved you.

"Time for cake!" you heard Jake yell. You rolled your eyes and smiled. Time for cake...

~Time skip to honeymoon~

You had the most perfect wedding with Jack. He was right, there was nothing to worry about. You still remember every moment of it in vivid detail. Now you were back on a plane. You were going to be on your honeymoon with Jack. You were so excited! You two were planning on going to...

Where are you two going?

Japan=7-1, Hawaii=7-2, France=7-3

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