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"...A well thought out proposal somewhere nice, it doesn't matter where, just has to be beautiful." You paused. "But I know I'm asking too much, I'm just talking out of my ass again." You stood up.

"No!" Jack grabbed your wrist. "I mean, no don't leave. Let's watch YouTube together." You sat back down and cuddled next to him.

~Time skip to a couple weeks later~

It's been a couple weeks since then. Jack has been gone the whole day you were starting to get worried until Jack texted you saying:

J: Drive to the museum

Y: Ok

You took a shower and put your hair into a Kim Kardashian styled ponytail. You wore a purple sweater with a teal sweater. You wore black skinny jeans and black knee high boots. You also wore red lipstick and some eyeliner.

You drove to the museum to find Jack at the front in open arms. You hugged him and he spun you around. You giggled as he set you down. The both of you looked at beautiful peices of art and tried to make your own interpretations of them.

"Isn't this the one by Pablo Picasso?" Jack asked. You nodded.

"I think this is supposed to be someone giving birth." He was talking about the Guernica war painting. You hit his shoulder. 

"Why do you say that?"

"Because! Can't you see the woman in the middle left with her new born child?"

"That child is dead, Jack. And what about the people running away in the middle right?"

"They can't believe it. They're gonna tell everyone about the newborn!" You started laughing. Sometimes, Jack was just too much.

You found another painting from Wassily Kandindsky.

"And what does that look like?" you ask.

"Definitely a Happy Wheels level."

"How!?" you throw your hands in the air.

"Look, it's obviously a harpoon level leading into a spikefall! If you tilt your head to the right you can even see the spikes!"

"I guess your right..."

You both came to a last painting near the bathrooms. It must have been really important since it had velvet rope around it and everyone was crowding around it. You didn't know the artist, but it was a picture of a couple standing next to a naked willow tree in the sunset. They were hugging and there were pedals all around them.

"That's us," Jack whispered catching you staring at the painting. You didn't look away. "I gotta use the bathroom, I'll be right back." After five minutes you became restless and texted Jack. You even asked a man in the restrooms if he had seen a green haired guy come in the restrooms and he shook his head. Eight minutes passed. Ten minutes passed. After that, you started to loose hope until the front desk said over the intercom said,

"Could (f/l/n) please come to the front desk. (f/n/l) to the front desk for a surprise, Thank you!" you smiled knowing it was Jack. You followed a red carpet found Jack in a tux and two employees rush up to you and carry you to him. You gasped when you saw him kneel down.

 "(y/n) I've known you for what feels like an eternity. The moment I laid eyes on you I knew I just had to make you mine. You're the highlight of my day, the segway to my Steve, the septicness to my Sam..." you chuckled a little bit. "You're my reason to live even though you are my entire life. I love your name, but I'd like to change it, but only if I can change it to (y/n) McLoughlin. Will you marry me?" you said yes and started bawling. You hugged him real tight and he put the ring on your finger, then he hugged you again. 

Everyone in the museum started to clap as you realized you were over the intercom the whole time. You smiled at Jack. "This is just what I asked for!"

The Perfect Shipment (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now