Chapter 14

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You and Jack stayed at (wherever you stayed) for about a week and when you came back, you were all giddy and excited instead of the usual tiredness that you would've thought you would have.

"That was so much fun!" you said. You checked your phone. You Skyped (whoever you went to but if you went with Jack's parents, then you just called them). Jack was sitting next to you and when you were done, he looked at you.

"Why are you so giggly?" he asked.

"I don't know, but I just need to get it out of my system!!" you laughed.

"I know how..." he said with a devilish grin. There were tears starting to form in your eyes so you didn't actually notice until you asked,

"How?" you immediately regretted asking and your face had grown shock as Jack started to reach his arms toward your sides and started tickling you. You HATED being tickled.

"JACK JACK STOP!!" you yelled for mercy but Jack wouldn't give in. It's not like you could've fought back because of the way he had you pinned to the couch. He finally calmed down and stared into your eyes. You calmed down as well and continued to stare at him until he said,

"You know, we should have some kids..." in a deep, sexy voice. (If you went to your parents' for Thanksgiving, you know where this is coming from, if not, you were shocked)

"J-jack, I--"

"I'll give you sometime to think about it!" he said standing up.

"Oh, you tease!!" you said sitting up, but in reality you were glad he didn't go through with it. You didn't think you were ready and wanted to at least sleep on the idea.

"...Fine." Jack came back from the kitchen and crawled back on top of you. You were nervous. He kissed your neck and slid his hands under your shirt. You flinched at the coldness of his hands but soon eased up as you start to whisper in his ear. He took off your shirt. He spread your legs out and grindded his lower half in between your legs which made you let out a huge moan. You weren't surprised that your panties got wet. Jack got off of you.

"Was that better?"

"Much." You replied picking up your shirt.

(I should have probably added a little disclaimer for a lemon but I'm not going to cuz ima rebel) >;)

~Time skip to a few days later~

"Is it true that there's a potato amusement park in Ireland?"

"Oh my gosh yes! I can't believe you never saw it." Jack replied. You were both putting on your shoes to go out for the day as a mini-date. He was taking you to Tayto Park. (in video)

You both talked and laughed as you walked there holding hands. You looked at him to see him looking straight ahead. You admired his jawline the rest of the way there.

When you got there you went on (one of the rides above) and even bought a full bag of candy! :p Jack would always try to steal a piece or two every now and then but you would always smack his hand away. You spotted your old manager (the one from the post office) and talked to her a bit as well. Finally, when you were about to leave, Jack proposed you go on the Ferris wheel one more time to get a good view of the place.

It was at that moment, cradled in Jack's arms that you could see what you thought was a small adoption center faded in the clouds. You looked up at Jack and pointed.

"Is that an adoption center?"

What did you adopt?

Twins=9-1, A Boy=9-2, A Girl=9-3

The Perfect Shipment (Jacksepticeye x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now