Chapter 27

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 It's late in the middle of the night & Bennett just got back after a long day being on the set. Once he got into the house, he notice that the tv is on with an episode of #Psych & Lilliah was sleeping on the couch. He closely went by her & try to wake her up. "Lilliah wake up", he was shaking her. She slowly woke up. "What are u doing sleeping on the couch ? It's almost 3 am.No one help you to bed,"he asked wondering. "No well Daniel is sleeping over at a friends house, & Tom & Cindy are home, but they're doing something in your guys guest bedroom. I really don't wanna know what they r doing in there. So I decided to stay here & sorta binge watch Psych. I figure Shawn & Gus can amused me for the time being ", I said to him. "You can stay in room for the rest of the night. I know they are not done yet," I added feeling kind queezy as I said it. Bennett gave a disgusted, but funny expression & said "yeah I don't wanna know. I then try to get up, but my legs were still sore from my walked with Serri. "Hey U okay ?", he asked grabbing me & looking worried."Yeah I'm fine, I took a walk with Serri & Wolfie today & it was my dumb idea to do a more than block, now I'm paying for it,"I reply holding on to him. "I told U take it easy & rest", he said back. "Yeah I know but I need to move around. I don't want to get fatter", I said causally. He started laughing. "You're not fat okay, you're perfect", he said leaning in towards me. "I guess if U say so", I said it in a funny sarcastic way. "C'mon lets go to bed, I can carry U", he said. "Okay thats fine,"I said back. I climb into his arm & he gently lift me up & started carrying me to my room. While I was curling my head on his shoulder. He started saying something , but I slowly began to drift off, to sleep, but before I actually close my eyes. I think he mention the name Natasha ?.... 

The Dream Excape🌌🌑🔪⚔️⚫️: Vol 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz