Chapter 24

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 (Back at home) Cindy came home early from her class & I told her what happened between Daniel,Bennett, & I, she was really furious about all of this. 35 minutes later both Daniel & Bennett came home, Cindy quickly went up to Daniel face & start kind of yelling at him. "Daniel are you freaking outta your mind why the hell would you think of doing that ? !", she yelled at him now. But he just ignore her & came over to me, he lifted my chin up with his hands & said "He's not gonna hurt you anymore", & then let go of my chin & went down the hallway. Cindy follow him while bickering at him. "Bennett", I said, then he came over to me & comfort me. "You stopped him right ?", I asked him getting worried. "I just told him to calm down, luckily he didn't pulled the trigger, but I don't know whats gonna happen next ? If Chief ass Wong says anything he can easily manipulate the situation, but well see. In the meantime Lilliah maybe it's better you keep low for a couple of days, maybe a week or two. I already talked to Jackson about you having time off.He says it's fine because he's worried about you, but you just have to promise me or even to yourself that you will okay with this," he calmly explained to me. "Okay I will," I said back with a small smile. Then he got up & touch the side of my cheek, & held my right hand for a second & let go & walk down the hallway I guess to check up on Daniel. As I was thinking to myself how I wanted revenge, but maybe it's better to keep low & normal for now. 

The Dream Excape🌌🌑🔪⚔️⚫️: Vol 2Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat