Chapter 20

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I knew the minute he said all those things, something didn't sit well with me. He was gonna go after Chief Wong & those other men & women. He's probably gonna do it as soon as I go to bed. "You're definitely gonna go after them later on tonight aren't you ? You're not even gonna listen to me ", I said to him sitting up from the couch now. "I'm not, I promise u I won't, stop assuming that I'am doll-face. It seems like u do not want to trust me.", he said now getting up from the floor & sitting next to me. "It's not that I don't trust U, it's just that I know how you are. You're like Dean Ambrose in a ninja suit, getting all crazy, & wanting to kick something in the ass, for once just stay in & rest", I replied back. "Yeah I always get excited to kick something in the ass, it's literally a high for me", He said laughing now. I started laughing too. "Well that's the attribute that I do like about U, but sometimes it's okay to take it easy & not let yourself into danger u know", I said helplessly . "Yeah u know whenever U laugh or smile it just lights up your face, that's the number 1 attribute I like about you.", he smiling. I smile back trying not to blush. "See you're better now that's good. We should eat now & watch Tv before it gets late ", he said to me touching my face. I just keep smiling & shook my head. After we did all of that, I rested, then took the sleeping nyquil medicine to relax my body. I started feeling drowsy after 20 minutes of taking it.  Bennett lift me up from the couch& into his arms, while this was going on, Cindy & Tom came home, Bennett quietly told them to shush . Then he carried me to my room & put me on my bed. I immediately fell asleep as Bennett was putting my blankets over me. He kiss her on the lips & left the room. Tom & Cindy were in the kitchen eating & Tom came to Bennett " Hey man Cindy told me Lilliah wasn't feeling, well. I'm gonna go pick up Daniel & get her soup or something U wanna come ?", he politely asked. "Nah thanks bro, but it's been a long day. I think I'm just gonna rest. Tom shook his head & then left the house. Bennett went over to Cindy & said "We need to talk".

The Dream Excape🌌🌑🔪⚔️⚫️: Vol 2Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu