Chapter 19

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(countinuation) : "So my father did he do this to U Lillah ?", Bennett asked rubbing the side of my right shoulder. I began to tear up again. "I'm sorry Bennett, I don't want to cry, I thought I could be strong & fight them off, but I got scared & felt weak", I said crying. Bennett then touch my face & his whole hand caress the side of it, & wipe my tears with his thumb. "Hey crying doesn't make you weak, it only makes U human. You are strong sweetie it's okay to breakdown once in awhile", he said to me. "Well it wasn't your father, he wasn't even there. It was (I pause for a sec) it was Chief Wong & 2 others people, a guy & a girl. I didn't recognize them. He's been working with your father all this time, thats how your dad & his crew was able to steal those items from your movie set & how he's knows you are the #MidnightNinja. He told me that your dad wants something from both you & my dad, a painting I guess or some kind of weapon. I wasn't sure, I was busy trying to fight them off & I got scared at the same time", I explained everything. "Huh u know I always thought there was something up with Chief Wong anyways. I mean I knew he was dick, but I also had a feeling he was corrupt too, never thought in this way though,"Bennett said sounding intense now. "Look I know what you are thinking  now , U want to kick his ass for me in a raging ninja revenge ,but don't go just stay with me please, " I said back trying to convince him. I move my walker away & quickly lean on his chess, then he put his long fit arms around me quietly said "of course I won't go", he then lift me up in his arm like a small child (a frontwards piggyback cradling position). He took me to the couch where I sat on his lap still in this position. It was like this for a few minutes. Then I got off of him & lay on the couch. He sat on the floor by me. I could see on his face he thinking about it. "Bennett don't go after him, please he's actually dangerous. We can turn him in, when my dad gets back from LA with my mom", I quickly said worrying. "Either way I'm going to kick his ass so hard, I just might kill him. Then when I'm done with him, I'm gonna go after my father. " he said determined. 

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