Chapter 8

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I walk in my walker through the hallway, where I see my mom wondering through the living room. "Mom !", I said excitedly. She turn around looking happy went over to me hug me & said, "Baby how are you ? I miss you, you looked so beautiful". "I'm fine momma, what about U ? Aren't U happy that U are finally on a 2 weeks vacation ?", I asked happy. "Oh yeah baby I'am ", she said stroking my hair. Then she looked up & Bennett was coming through the hallway too. "Hi, U must be Bennett, I heard a lot of things about you. I know U & your cousin Tom are staying here with my kids & Cindy. Anyway a friend of my husband & my daughter is a friend & even family of mine", my mom said smiling while shaking his hands. "Thank you Mrs. Moonsawat, I appreciate it, your family has been nothing but welcoming to us especially Lilliah," he said. "Oh please call me Leslie", my mom replied still smiling. "Oh alright then, well I'm gonna leave U two alone, I know U guys have some catching up to do. I will be at the comic book store where some of the others are, you see guys later bye," he said politely & went out the door. We both said bye to him. "Oh honey he's really handsome, so tall & fit too. He can give James Bond, or Christian Grey a run for their money", my mom said gushing. I started to feel embarrassed. "Wow Mom really",I said. "I know U still have a huge celebrity crush on him go for it !",she said back. "Okay mom enough about me, are U gonna stay in my room or Cindy room since Bennett & Tom are using the guest room ?", I asked her. "Oh no honey I will be staying at my aunt Megan's house. Since she will be gone for the holidays. I volunteered to watch & stay at her house, but I will come over & see you guys & make dinner", she explain to me. "Oh okay", I respond. "Hey why don't U & I go to the cafe & see if they any of those gourmet cupcakes. I heard those chocolate espresso salted caramel cupcakes were a huge hit over the summer", she said. "Yeah they were lets go then", I said smiling. We gotten our purses & left too afterwards. 

The Dream Excape🌌🌑🔪⚔️⚫️: Vol 2Where stories live. Discover now